Yo Ho A pirates life for me......
Ok, figured it out. Piracy isnt dead at all, and music/software/DVD "bootleggers" arent the real pirates. No sir no sir. Its the corporate heads. Yep indeed. See, look at it this way. The corporations are in a metaphoric way, the ships, the CEO's are the captains, CIO's and CFO's being the first mates, and you have Upper management as the "officers" of the ships. Now, you have middle management, these guys are the ones that are beating the galley slaves (these are the folks working for a living and still impoverished) about with whips and sending them off to be cannon fodder when the upper crust make an unfortunate tactical decision. The equivalent of a high seas pirate battle know would be a hostile corporate takeover, or a buy out. Swords are now cell phones, walking the plank is now getting canned, keel hauling one is simply ruining their reputation, ect and so forth.
Just like in the old days, Pirates made great bed partners with certain countries, but there was always that mistrust and appearances to keep up. Unlike the olden days however, if you were a pirate such as Capt. Kidd, you got your ass hung if you got caught. A lesson to other would be pirates that got out of hand.
Todays pirates are no less ruthless in their pursuit of booty as their past day counterparts. Sure, they dont run people thru or feed them to the sharks literally, but stealing from the people that make your company successful is no less a crime. Laying off 30,000 workers because its cheaper to use present day overseas slave labor to save a buck is no less a sin of greed than was slicing the throats of your crew to protect buried treasure. Its a downright horrible shame when people like Martha Stewart get sent to club fed for a few months after what she did in all aspects of her business when some poor shmuck gets fined 6000 dollars and sentenced to 2 years probation for downloading a couple of songs from the internet. Ahoy mates, dont be caught dipping into the captains purse less ye be ok with a trip to Davey Jones locker. Why, for the price of those 5 songs, the CEO of some record label could have bought a big Mac meal, and now the dread pirate Ronald McDonald is pissed because you stole from him by proxy. Yar, bring her about; we have downloaders on the starboard side.
What the world needs is a great mutiny. Yep, mutiny on the high seas (or in your local corporate office). Stop blaming the politicians and the world leaders of other fucked up countries for our woes. Yeah, they suck, its no lie and it sure as hell isnt a secret, but the skinny of the matter is that greed and laziness are the factors most responsible for the mess we are in. We as a people are too fucking lazy to work for a decent wage anymore, we want more more more, justified or not. Corporations want more more more, hence they say fuck you you lazy pricks, we will get "insert third world nation here" to build our stuff. We as consumers are morons as well, why we can afford the Mercedes or the Beemer, so we deserve it and wont so and so be sooooo jealous and wont so and so be sooooo impressed. Hell with it, I make x amount of dollars so I can afford the gas (even though 2 bucks a gallon is highway robbery), and I really dont care what it does to the environment, I will be dead before it comes to be. Yup, thats our attitude. The politicians agree, why should they work so hard and not get the Jacuzzi or a kick back from awarding a contract to a friend, hell, its less work, and less decisions to make. What the poor, stupid, lazy masses dont know wont hurt them. Ahhhh, thats why I am saving my pennies and me and the GF are going to move to Belize. Maybe not this year or the next, hell, it might take a decade, but I am sooo there. Also, before I hear a bunch of "you are anti-American" BS, I want you to know that I love this country. I served it well I think. But just like wrecked cars, motorcycles, and relationships from the past, some of which I still love to this day, you got to know when to bail. I'll be damned if I am going down with a ship that I am not captain of, a ship manned by a bunch of scurvy pirates.
Much love you guys, hope you are all doing well.
Ok, figured it out. Piracy isnt dead at all, and music/software/DVD "bootleggers" arent the real pirates. No sir no sir. Its the corporate heads. Yep indeed. See, look at it this way. The corporations are in a metaphoric way, the ships, the CEO's are the captains, CIO's and CFO's being the first mates, and you have Upper management as the "officers" of the ships. Now, you have middle management, these guys are the ones that are beating the galley slaves (these are the folks working for a living and still impoverished) about with whips and sending them off to be cannon fodder when the upper crust make an unfortunate tactical decision. The equivalent of a high seas pirate battle know would be a hostile corporate takeover, or a buy out. Swords are now cell phones, walking the plank is now getting canned, keel hauling one is simply ruining their reputation, ect and so forth.
Just like in the old days, Pirates made great bed partners with certain countries, but there was always that mistrust and appearances to keep up. Unlike the olden days however, if you were a pirate such as Capt. Kidd, you got your ass hung if you got caught. A lesson to other would be pirates that got out of hand.
Todays pirates are no less ruthless in their pursuit of booty as their past day counterparts. Sure, they dont run people thru or feed them to the sharks literally, but stealing from the people that make your company successful is no less a crime. Laying off 30,000 workers because its cheaper to use present day overseas slave labor to save a buck is no less a sin of greed than was slicing the throats of your crew to protect buried treasure. Its a downright horrible shame when people like Martha Stewart get sent to club fed for a few months after what she did in all aspects of her business when some poor shmuck gets fined 6000 dollars and sentenced to 2 years probation for downloading a couple of songs from the internet. Ahoy mates, dont be caught dipping into the captains purse less ye be ok with a trip to Davey Jones locker. Why, for the price of those 5 songs, the CEO of some record label could have bought a big Mac meal, and now the dread pirate Ronald McDonald is pissed because you stole from him by proxy. Yar, bring her about; we have downloaders on the starboard side.
What the world needs is a great mutiny. Yep, mutiny on the high seas (or in your local corporate office). Stop blaming the politicians and the world leaders of other fucked up countries for our woes. Yeah, they suck, its no lie and it sure as hell isnt a secret, but the skinny of the matter is that greed and laziness are the factors most responsible for the mess we are in. We as a people are too fucking lazy to work for a decent wage anymore, we want more more more, justified or not. Corporations want more more more, hence they say fuck you you lazy pricks, we will get "insert third world nation here" to build our stuff. We as consumers are morons as well, why we can afford the Mercedes or the Beemer, so we deserve it and wont so and so be sooooo jealous and wont so and so be sooooo impressed. Hell with it, I make x amount of dollars so I can afford the gas (even though 2 bucks a gallon is highway robbery), and I really dont care what it does to the environment, I will be dead before it comes to be. Yup, thats our attitude. The politicians agree, why should they work so hard and not get the Jacuzzi or a kick back from awarding a contract to a friend, hell, its less work, and less decisions to make. What the poor, stupid, lazy masses dont know wont hurt them. Ahhhh, thats why I am saving my pennies and me and the GF are going to move to Belize. Maybe not this year or the next, hell, it might take a decade, but I am sooo there. Also, before I hear a bunch of "you are anti-American" BS, I want you to know that I love this country. I served it well I think. But just like wrecked cars, motorcycles, and relationships from the past, some of which I still love to this day, you got to know when to bail. I'll be damned if I am going down with a ship that I am not captain of, a ship manned by a bunch of scurvy pirates.
Much love you guys, hope you are all doing well.

details, huh? hmmmm, i will have to think about that -
. and i suspect yr doing plenty of living without my stories, pirate man. at SOME point we will actually catch up, methinks.

i heard from SmokeyDaBear that you're doing 70 hr weeks out of state. i'm sorry. that sucks. it may even suck and blow, it depends on whether you like the work.