Jesus Christ in a crack house!!
Thats right!! I said JESUS CHRIST in a CRACK HOUSE!!!
Now are there any Catholics out there that want me executed for saying that?
Any Protestants?
Any Jews?
Any other organized religion?
If you do, step up to the plate and try to do it yourself, Id be happy to activate your insurance plans for ya. Dont offer a reward to others to do something you arent willing to do yourself.
Now, I cant understand (being an educated person living in the modern day 21st century) why in anythings name we still insist on respecting the rights of people who are amongst the most primitive on earth. Everyone seems to want to blame our government for everything; everyone wants our troops out of a certain ass-backwards-primitive-as-fuck country. Well, I agree, under 2 circumstances. One), if we get everyone that is worthy of swimming in the gene pool out with them and then level the shithole with our surplus of nuclear weaponry, or Two) We get everyone worth salvaging out and then cut the shithole off from the rest of the world, call it a de-militarized zone and give them a couple hundred years to get their shit straight and join modernized society or to kill each other off in the name of some non-existent-wishful-thinking-entity that promises virgins for those that die in his name. Hate to break it to you fella's, I dont think that book you hold so high states that they are human virgins. I hope I am wrong and the entity does exist and he gives you virgin piggie's when you croak yourself.
Another think I hate is when folks ok the actions of the aforementioned unmentioned by saying "Catholics had the crusades and performed atrocities in the name of God". Well, thats true; there was the crusades....600 fucking years ago genius. Back before we knew better. Killing in the name of any religion is wrong, we know this now, and we didnt 600 years ago. Another thing to add to that....the U.S. didnt exist then.
What I am saying is since when is it cool to defend a groups action when they are more atrocious than anything else on earth. You say Grabu Prison, I say beheaded innocents. You say we have no business there, I say by that logic we had no business in Germany cock-blocking Hitler. Everyone that enjoys being able to travel abroad, safely and without being persecuted. Say "AYE'. Everyone that came to the U.S. for sanctuary and got away from the primitive fucks running other countries with an iron fist...say "Aye". I hate to inform everyone that protests whats going on over there is everyones business. You want global peace, well, you cant have it when a certain group of idiots get offended over a doodle and call for blood, executions, and raise hell about it. I fail to see where anyone can back a group of people that are so fucking useless that they will allow a person to rule over them with an iron fist for decades without showing any signs of having balls, but man, doodle a cartoon showing how stupid their beliefs are as described by morons practicing it and they can get global armies together overnight to go around burning, destroying and hating. Shame on anyone that backs this sort of behavior in this century. You are as primitive as they are if you do. Seven Virgins....give me a fucking break.
Now, if anyone practices this even more unbelievable than voo doo "religion and is offended by my words, well I just want to say FUCK YOU. Do something about it! Just be prepared for a skull fucking from hell and dont expect to get much use outta your "manhood", it will be hard to please the virgins with your nuts in your chest cavity you Primate.
Peace to all of the people who want peace,
Love to all that want love,
And piggy virgins to all who want virgins.
Thats right!! I said JESUS CHRIST in a CRACK HOUSE!!!
Now are there any Catholics out there that want me executed for saying that?
Any Protestants?
Any Jews?
Any other organized religion?
If you do, step up to the plate and try to do it yourself, Id be happy to activate your insurance plans for ya. Dont offer a reward to others to do something you arent willing to do yourself.
Now, I cant understand (being an educated person living in the modern day 21st century) why in anythings name we still insist on respecting the rights of people who are amongst the most primitive on earth. Everyone seems to want to blame our government for everything; everyone wants our troops out of a certain ass-backwards-primitive-as-fuck country. Well, I agree, under 2 circumstances. One), if we get everyone that is worthy of swimming in the gene pool out with them and then level the shithole with our surplus of nuclear weaponry, or Two) We get everyone worth salvaging out and then cut the shithole off from the rest of the world, call it a de-militarized zone and give them a couple hundred years to get their shit straight and join modernized society or to kill each other off in the name of some non-existent-wishful-thinking-entity that promises virgins for those that die in his name. Hate to break it to you fella's, I dont think that book you hold so high states that they are human virgins. I hope I am wrong and the entity does exist and he gives you virgin piggie's when you croak yourself.
Another think I hate is when folks ok the actions of the aforementioned unmentioned by saying "Catholics had the crusades and performed atrocities in the name of God". Well, thats true; there was the crusades....600 fucking years ago genius. Back before we knew better. Killing in the name of any religion is wrong, we know this now, and we didnt 600 years ago. Another thing to add to that....the U.S. didnt exist then.
What I am saying is since when is it cool to defend a groups action when they are more atrocious than anything else on earth. You say Grabu Prison, I say beheaded innocents. You say we have no business there, I say by that logic we had no business in Germany cock-blocking Hitler. Everyone that enjoys being able to travel abroad, safely and without being persecuted. Say "AYE'. Everyone that came to the U.S. for sanctuary and got away from the primitive fucks running other countries with an iron fist...say "Aye". I hate to inform everyone that protests whats going on over there is everyones business. You want global peace, well, you cant have it when a certain group of idiots get offended over a doodle and call for blood, executions, and raise hell about it. I fail to see where anyone can back a group of people that are so fucking useless that they will allow a person to rule over them with an iron fist for decades without showing any signs of having balls, but man, doodle a cartoon showing how stupid their beliefs are as described by morons practicing it and they can get global armies together overnight to go around burning, destroying and hating. Shame on anyone that backs this sort of behavior in this century. You are as primitive as they are if you do. Seven Virgins....give me a fucking break.
Now, if anyone practices this even more unbelievable than voo doo "religion and is offended by my words, well I just want to say FUCK YOU. Do something about it! Just be prepared for a skull fucking from hell and dont expect to get much use outta your "manhood", it will be hard to please the virgins with your nuts in your chest cavity you Primate.
Peace to all of the people who want peace,
Love to all that want love,
And piggy virgins to all who want virgins.

preferably hot
no... definitely hot