Thanks for all the great B-Day wishes; I did have a rather pleasant b-day. I miss all of you guys and gals, hoping to make an appearance soon in my new pimpmobile, but again, no promises. Will try like hell to though, heh heh.
Spring is right around the corner, cant wait for it. Going to get the motorcycle out and well, see how much concrete I can tear up this year. I have been missing that in the past couple of years. I think that is the main reason for my current mind set, I havent been riding as much since I "got responsible" and that is a shame. So, everything is cool with the ex, the kid is doing great, she doesnt mind not seeing me as often cause to her, quality of time is better than quantity of time. I find that I am doing better as a dad as well; I'm not trying so hard to be the uber father anymore, so it comes more naturally and I can enjoy the time with the kid more because well, shes older and can have pretty cool conversations with m e now. Its a hoot on those rare occasions that she manages to throw me a curveball and out wit me. I cant help but to laugh, feel proud, and feel a little better that this kid is going to be well equipped to handle the world. Yeah, things are cool.
Been working on my artwork... a lot and getting some exposure and some jobs in the game arena. Its nice to be able to do what you like to do for a living. I just have to start doing that heh heh. Here is some of the work that I have posted on this totally cool site. If you are an artist, and want some exposure, try this place out.
I hope to see you guys and gals soon, as i do miss you alot. Much love to all of you, and i hope that you are all doing great!
very very much missed talking with you. i think it has been several moths this time. been thinking about you too. i think you have the right idea on the kid too. i have to do that with my boys sometime, especially with the surgery. thankfully my parents have sort of fillec the roll some for me while i can rest. i had a big to do on the job with my meds.basically was accused of abusing my prescription meds and being unfit. thankfully i have one hell of a great doctor who isvery good to me. i was very lucky to get him since he is only one of 2 doctors in virginia that works his speciality and referals to him are next to impossible.i can thank er for that one!