Hell, I dont know where to begin. Finally, Cingular gave me the pink slip that I have so earnestly desired for so long, but leave it to the corporate screws to do it right before X-mas, good thing I have a few bucks saved. Life is nothing but a blur, I dont know whets tangible or worthwhile in this life anymore, and to be perfectly honest, I could really care less. I have my daughter, and that is truly a wonderful thing, shes going to be 7 soon, and I have no idea where all the time thus far has went, feel like the powers that be have a hardcore grudge against me, but I see their point so Im really not complaining, just looking forward to a rest, a very long, well deserved, peaceful rest.
I really do apologize for my lack of presence here, to be honest, I had nothing nice to say for so long and couple that with the fact that I have been out of my mind busy, I kind of let things on this end slide, and that really tends to upset me because I do value all of you so much as friends (some of you more so because I would really like some sympathy loving right now heh heh). But alas, you know how it goes, to the victor goes the spoils, and recently, I have only been victorious at pissing folks off. Fuck 'em if they dont have a sense of cool.
Oh, as is apparent, Im not dead yet so that says that my health is pretty much the same, smoke a lot, drink a lot of soda, not much sleep, lots of stress, and until recently, a horrid workload, so it surprises the hell out of me that I havent dropped over. If I live this long with all of this, imagine how long I would live say if I was Britney Spears husband. Fuck, id live to be 300
Anyhow, the point of this post is to try and get back into the swing of things whilst I am down. I figure that now is a good a time as any to wish all of you solid, wonderful, slightly demented, but awesomely perfect friends the best of the best holiday wishes. I hope all of you get laid, get paid, and most importantly of all, are all safe, snug, warm, well fed, and happy. If you ladies need any help with the laid part, let me know
Mucho Love,
I really do apologize for my lack of presence here, to be honest, I had nothing nice to say for so long and couple that with the fact that I have been out of my mind busy, I kind of let things on this end slide, and that really tends to upset me because I do value all of you so much as friends (some of you more so because I would really like some sympathy loving right now heh heh). But alas, you know how it goes, to the victor goes the spoils, and recently, I have only been victorious at pissing folks off. Fuck 'em if they dont have a sense of cool.
Oh, as is apparent, Im not dead yet so that says that my health is pretty much the same, smoke a lot, drink a lot of soda, not much sleep, lots of stress, and until recently, a horrid workload, so it surprises the hell out of me that I havent dropped over. If I live this long with all of this, imagine how long I would live say if I was Britney Spears husband. Fuck, id live to be 300

Anyhow, the point of this post is to try and get back into the swing of things whilst I am down. I figure that now is a good a time as any to wish all of you solid, wonderful, slightly demented, but awesomely perfect friends the best of the best holiday wishes. I hope all of you get laid, get paid, and most importantly of all, are all safe, snug, warm, well fed, and happy. If you ladies need any help with the laid part, let me know

Mucho Love,

hope you and yours are well and happy
rock on