Seems it's the season for losing furry friends.

Jags/Baron/Moose went AWOL on Saturday night. Due to my work sched and fatigue I missed the fact until this morning. My room mate on the other hand did know. He just didn't feel the need to tell me. We're going to have some very short words about that fact when he comes home, which will likely be our last.
Come home drunk, puke on the carpet, use my stuff, miss bills and rent, never clean or help out... fine. We'll cope. Lose my cat and don't care? You're done.
Jags was a rescue I took in from a shelter three February's ago. He had a lot of social issues from being so heavily abused. You had to pet him just right, and he was often too aggressive with the other cats and sometimes even me. I will have two scars on me for the rest of my life now, and nearly lost two fingers to his bite last July. He wasn't terribly bright either, but I have never seen a cat show such open affection before when he wasn't psycho. It took 3 and a bit years and he was even socializing with the other cats, joining bathing sessions and not being such a serious asshole all the time.
It is a lot quieter around the house all of a sudden. That's what I noticed first this morning. Jags couldn't meow. He made dry squeaks and mouthed his 'words'. Most the noise was the sound of him stampeding around or the other cats screaming in anger at him. He didn't have claws either, thanks to the previous owners, but that helped even the playing field around the house.
I spent my day doing everything I can for him. Shelters, flyers, canvassing and online notifications everywhere I could. In my gut I feel he got outside and picked a fight with one of the tough ass strays around the neighborhood and is hurt somewhere. But this is a very concrete jungle I live in and there's not many places to hide and I have looked everywhere I can in a 2 block circle.
I never really wanted a third cat, but now I can't imagine not having his 20lbs of affectionate body slam knocking the wind out of me every night.

Jags with Petra's claw stuck in his nose.
UPDATE: Jerk ass cat showed up on the front porch about an hour ago. Thanks for the emotional roller coaster cat.
Jags/Baron/Moose went AWOL on Saturday night. Due to my work sched and fatigue I missed the fact until this morning. My room mate on the other hand did know. He just didn't feel the need to tell me. We're going to have some very short words about that fact when he comes home, which will likely be our last.
Come home drunk, puke on the carpet, use my stuff, miss bills and rent, never clean or help out... fine. We'll cope. Lose my cat and don't care? You're done.
Jags was a rescue I took in from a shelter three February's ago. He had a lot of social issues from being so heavily abused. You had to pet him just right, and he was often too aggressive with the other cats and sometimes even me. I will have two scars on me for the rest of my life now, and nearly lost two fingers to his bite last July. He wasn't terribly bright either, but I have never seen a cat show such open affection before when he wasn't psycho. It took 3 and a bit years and he was even socializing with the other cats, joining bathing sessions and not being such a serious asshole all the time.
It is a lot quieter around the house all of a sudden. That's what I noticed first this morning. Jags couldn't meow. He made dry squeaks and mouthed his 'words'. Most the noise was the sound of him stampeding around or the other cats screaming in anger at him. He didn't have claws either, thanks to the previous owners, but that helped even the playing field around the house.
I spent my day doing everything I can for him. Shelters, flyers, canvassing and online notifications everywhere I could. In my gut I feel he got outside and picked a fight with one of the tough ass strays around the neighborhood and is hurt somewhere. But this is a very concrete jungle I live in and there's not many places to hide and I have looked everywhere I can in a 2 block circle.
I never really wanted a third cat, but now I can't imagine not having his 20lbs of affectionate body slam knocking the wind out of me every night.
Jags with Petra's claw stuck in his nose.
UPDATE: Jerk ass cat showed up on the front porch about an hour ago. Thanks for the emotional roller coaster cat.
Congrats, you passed!
Maybe lock him in roommates room when he's passed out next?
hope it's a good one filled with love from your stupid jerk cat.