I had a few conversations about it today and got one, 'Is that still going on?'
A: Yes, it's been a month and a week since is started. The last one like this was in Mexico in 1979 and it took 9 months to stop.
Another one, 'Yer a goddamn tree hugger too arn't ya trying to make us feel bad?'
A: No. It's MAJOR shit going down. It's a Chernoybl level disaster, it's unfolding in front of us in slo-mo and people think is 'justa spill'.
I got talking about it today becuase it reached a critical stage, the slick has reached the Gulf Stream, meaning it can be sucked out form the gulf and up the eastern seaboard.
Mississippi's Haley Barbour, a well-connected former Washington lobbyist, has calmly said the oil slick looming offshore is just a sheen in most places and there's no reason for people to panic.
Oil has not started washing up on shore in any large quantities, and Barbour likened much of the spill to the gasoline sheen commonly found around ski boats.
"We don't wash our face in it, but it doesn't stop us from jumping off the boat to ski," Barbour said.
We're looking at decades of toxic beaches and people like that are going 'Meh'. Valdez sound still hasn't recovered. There's still pools of sludge on the shores, and it's been 20 years.
And yup, I'll definitely see you at Gala !