To everyone who's noticed it's been almost 3 months since my last blog, thanks for notcicing.
I havent been updating because I've been in a pretty dark place lately and really don't want to pass it off on to others.
The weather outside it exactly how I feel inside: blank, desolate and cold.
I'll survive.
I always do.
Spring will come eventually.
I havent been updating because I've been in a pretty dark place lately and really don't want to pass it off on to others.
The weather outside it exactly how I feel inside: blank, desolate and cold.
I'll survive.
I always do.
Spring will come eventually.

You sound like you're going to be fine. You already know that things will get better and the darkness won't last forever. Don't know how much of consolation this is going to be, but you can make a positive out of a negative. You just have to look for it, and you might not recognize the positive change until it has happened. Change is inevitable to find happiness, either by changing yourself or changing the situation. Don't know what your religious background is, but some folks (me included) find our answers in religion. Never give up hope, no matter how you go about finding happiness.