X-Men 3: The Last Stand
So I took myself out the the movies (I afterall, am the best movie date) on Sunday and saw X3.
Boy, some writer out there really had it in for the X-Men... very simular to the writing rebellions seen in FarScape and Angel's finales.
The special effects are top notch and we got to see some of the characters hinted at in X2 in action (Collosus, Kitty Pride) and the action scene's were first rate. The story thread itself became very jumbled and rushed (which often happens when a director is replaced mid-shooting). Not enough time was spent with the How and why's the major protagonists and antagonists were doing what they were doing. Storm in particular seemed bored witht he whole mess, while Cyclops was a mere footnote, when where X2 ended you would have thought he'd get the same indepth look that old Wolfie got in X1.... or at least that's what I expected.
If you were in to the X-Men comics hardcore, you prolly won't enjoy this version of the story. If you were in to the characters of the first two movies hardcore, you prolly won't like this moive. But if you're in between the two like I am, you'll prolly like it for what it is, and not dwell too much on the weakness' of it all. Though, this was definitly the weaker of the triology, but still far better than anything else out there right now.
Rolling Stone's review of the movie was pathetic and were way to hard on the film, and kept hitting the 'Gay' button... basically7 saying the film is pandering to the Homosexual 'fad' started with Brokeback with characters like Angel and Rouge's 'sexual issues' and the use of an openly gay actor in Ian Mckellan (Who was just as openly gay during X1 and X2, and LotR which all predate Brokeback... but I degress.) Rolling Stone totally missed the point, IMO.
... then I took myself out for dinner, had a few drinks, then took myself home and took advantage of the situation.
So I took myself out the the movies (I afterall, am the best movie date) on Sunday and saw X3.
Boy, some writer out there really had it in for the X-Men... very simular to the writing rebellions seen in FarScape and Angel's finales.
The special effects are top notch and we got to see some of the characters hinted at in X2 in action (Collosus, Kitty Pride) and the action scene's were first rate. The story thread itself became very jumbled and rushed (which often happens when a director is replaced mid-shooting). Not enough time was spent with the How and why's the major protagonists and antagonists were doing what they were doing. Storm in particular seemed bored witht he whole mess, while Cyclops was a mere footnote, when where X2 ended you would have thought he'd get the same indepth look that old Wolfie got in X1.... or at least that's what I expected.
If you were in to the X-Men comics hardcore, you prolly won't enjoy this version of the story. If you were in to the characters of the first two movies hardcore, you prolly won't like this moive. But if you're in between the two like I am, you'll prolly like it for what it is, and not dwell too much on the weakness' of it all. Though, this was definitly the weaker of the triology, but still far better than anything else out there right now.
Rolling Stone's review of the movie was pathetic and were way to hard on the film, and kept hitting the 'Gay' button... basically7 saying the film is pandering to the Homosexual 'fad' started with Brokeback with characters like Angel and Rouge's 'sexual issues' and the use of an openly gay actor in Ian Mckellan (Who was just as openly gay during X1 and X2, and LotR which all predate Brokeback... but I degress.) Rolling Stone totally missed the point, IMO.
... then I took myself out for dinner, had a few drinks, then took myself home and took advantage of the situation.
and in the beginning, when you think they're battling sentinels, i got all excited!!
...........and then i was a training program..