Typical Friday night.

Rockstar, huh? These were actually all really taken on Friday nights.
In fact right this second I'm singing "Friend like me" (and playing with my tits)
I know all the words.
Almost a spinster, 3 'house' cats deep. With a semi out of hand obsession with globes, cheese and taxidermy. Quite set in my ways, so to speak with a distinguished cheap taste in wine.
and now for a random barrage of pictures from the last... I don't know how long.
prop those eyelids open Clockwork Orange style and enjoy.
Warning: Instagram follwers might see a lot of cross posts.

Random thought interlude:
I fucking love Aladdin, the Lion King, the Little Mermaid.
Ok, on with the pictures.

Abrupt as always,

Rockstar, huh? These were actually all really taken on Friday nights.
In fact right this second I'm singing "Friend like me" (and playing with my tits)
I know all the words.
Almost a spinster, 3 'house' cats deep. With a semi out of hand obsession with globes, cheese and taxidermy. Quite set in my ways, so to speak with a distinguished cheap taste in wine.
and now for a random barrage of pictures from the last... I don't know how long.
prop those eyelids open Clockwork Orange style and enjoy.
Warning: Instagram follwers might see a lot of cross posts.

Random thought interlude:
I fucking love Aladdin, the Lion King, the Little Mermaid.
Ok, on with the pictures.

Abrupt as always,
Awesome blog and pics as alwasy!! 

!!!!! I used to do the shadow casting for rocky borrow picture show...ooo I miss it <3 You are a total hottie!