Quess Who's Back... Quess Who's Back... Quess Who's Back!
I like how in your picture you look like you're in the middle of a scintillating conversation and you are in the middle of saying something witty, yet provocative and wise.
nothing better than being here now.

I will be out this weekend
planning trips to the following:

winnepeg, cause it is so close
dc, to see q and not u final show
nyc, to see what the center of the world looks like
ventura, ca, to surf
sheboygan, wi, to surf

I am always looking for others to travel with.
I hate to see a good indie bookstore go down, but the fuckin closeout deals you can get are amazing.
Mixmastermike spun at the club that I work at this weekend. Fuck things were so busy I didn't have a chance to go check out any of his set. What I am most disapointed about was that I didn't even get to see the French Kicks. I was really excited to see them and get paid to be there. Maybe next time.

Happy Mothers day
HST died yesterday, suicide.
I was reading a book yesterday called 'complete and utter failure' it is about all of the failure in our lives that we face that we don't let bother us. I was reading the chaper 'The Calamity of Long Life, Trouble in The Last Act' It is about how when you do something great early on in life people expect greatness...
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Happy Birthday! kiss
As I walk to school everyday I always come across the driver that is completely unaware of anyone not in a vehicle. Today as I was crossing the street someone came close to hitting me. The think is that they didn't even stop. They were completely oblivious to me. I a complete act of instant anger I booted the back of the cars tail light...
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you had my ass kicked as far underground punk shit went.

i was more into hip hop still during that time.
pre-dre day hip hop was the best. the only good hip hop now a days, is hip hop you can't hear anywhere, unless you dig.

Propers on Sinatra though...can't lose with old blue eyes.
I have never been one to be able to give to charity. Thats to say that I have never been able to have the extra money to give to charity. But now I find myself with a little extra cash and not know who or where to give to. I heard once that when you donate only half actually goes to the cause the other...
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I found this great organic source, that is the best to call it, in my neighborhood. Great food, organic beer and vodka, which I took my fair share of tonight. Lovely.

Fuck Wal-Mart, more talk soon!
Got your app to SG Motorcycles. Please post in MY journal a little bit about what you ride, where, how long you've been riding, etc. If you don't currently ride, say something about why you should be a member of SGMC anyway. Anything to let me know you're actually interested in SGMC will do. If you know a current SGMC member, have him/her leave me a note in my journal.


Right on about the Dream. I've probably never received so much attention on a motorbike as I have since I owned that thing. Mine was lovingly restored to it's original white, showroom condition beefore I bought it and I rode it everywhere. My friends nicknamed it "The Pussy Magnet".

It got banged up a bit, but It was still gorgeous when I sold it. A decision I still regret.