Okay so recently i found out i have the best friends ever!!!! You have to read this!
The story::
I knew this guy, named JJ, i met him at my old job at guitar center and he was in a band so his band came in sometimes to buy new strings and stuff. We were quickly friends and my band would go hand out with his band and we would all drink and have fun. I thought JJ was super cute and i had a crush on him...one night after drinking we hooked up...(its hard to believe that my life would be totally different forever after that). And we were still friends, we hung out..blah blah blah. I started to really like him...but he wasnt showing much interest in me so he told me he didnt like me in that way...and i was upset because why would u hook up with someone u didnt have feelings for? But anyways, I was sad, and I started to move on. Then JJ stopped talking to me all toghether...and I freaked out a little, so i asked Chris (his friend and the drummer in their band) if he knew what was up JJ not talking to me and he then started to ignore me too...this made me more sad because chris and i had become good friend and he was suddenly ignoring me...i was like what happeneddd??? so one night I went to the hotel their band was staying at to see if i could talk to chris and see why he wasnt talking to me, he wasnt there so i left.
The next day, my boss from work calls me and says i need to come in ASAP, so i was like "okay, thats weird". When I got there my boss and the store manager were there waiting for me...i was like this cant be good. So they proceeded to ask me what I did last night and i told them...that i went to the hotel and everything. They then told me that someone had keyed JJs car last night...and i was like "wow that sucks" but then they were like "he said you did it". I was like "WHAT??" So to shorten this part...i got fired because JJ and his bands manager, Aaron said they would no longer be shopping at guitar center if i was there...even though i really didnt key his car...which was the worst day ever..well up until that day (it gets worse). I was so bummed and didnt get another job until 2 months later. But anyways...a month went by without any drama between me and the band guys who got me fired, i deleted them off my myspace and deleted their numbers from my phone...then, i had my yearly papsmear and I didnt feel weird but my test results came back abnormal..i wasnt scared...i was like I probably just have a little infection or something. Then my doctor told me that my test came back positive for HPV...i was like that kind of sucks, i didnt really know anything about the disease. A few tests laster my doctor told me to come in because she had urgent news for me...i didnt really know what to think so i went in and got the news, "Kindra...i am so sorry....we believe you have cervical cancer". It didnt hit me right away so i said "i do? is there anyway to tell who i got it from?" and she said "well the cancer is fairly new in you so it would have to be someone you had sexual contact with, within the last 4 months." I had only been with two people in thoes 4 months, my ex boyfriend, Nile, and JJ. I called Nile right away and told him to go get tested for HPV, he said of course and did it the very next day, when he got his test results back he mailed them to me and they were negative for HPV.....I stared at the paper in horror....JJ gave me hpv.....and cancer...and on top of that got me fired.
Then i realized I had no way to get a hold of JJ to let him know he should be tested before he infects anyone else. I still had Monicas number (she was like their investor/manage lady). I called her and told her to tell JJ and she said "Kindra, you know he has HPV." I was like "What??? I didnt know that, he never told me that, I even asked him once." She was quite for a minute and then sadly said that she would let him know. Then later she sent me a text saying she told him and that he didnt seem to care...and proceeded to call me "slut" and "whore". I was like "wow...this REALLY sucks. I hate him."
So, it turns out his band is plating right my house tomorrow night. I was go to the shows at this venue but when I head his band was playing I broke into tears and cried for hours. My friends Lexi and Vera told me it was okay and that he is just a dousche bag. So Vera and Lexi came up with a plan. They are going to his show tomorrow night and gonna hand out HPV flyers to everyone who comes in even his band! I was so shocked that they cared so much for me that I cried even more. I asked if i could go and hand out flyers too and Lexi said "Kindra, NO...we are gonna fuck with him and I dont want you to see it. I dont think you could handle it." Shes right...and the show is tomorrow...ought to be an interesting night. But only amazing friends like mine who go to such lengths to make me feel better. Thank you Lexi and Vera, I Love you.
Oh and My friend Jackie is giving a speech on HPV and cervical cancer in my honor in one of her classes at the university and she said she would be honored if I came....my eyes swelled up and I cried..Im actually crying as I write this. Is my story so important that it could actually help others? Prevent further cases of HPV..just because of me? I cant even fathom it. Im lucky to be alive.
Ladies and gentelman get ur HPV shots! 70% of guys have HPV and dont know it because it doesnt affect them.....be one less person to be affect by HPV.
love you all,

The story::
I knew this guy, named JJ, i met him at my old job at guitar center and he was in a band so his band came in sometimes to buy new strings and stuff. We were quickly friends and my band would go hand out with his band and we would all drink and have fun. I thought JJ was super cute and i had a crush on him...one night after drinking we hooked up...(its hard to believe that my life would be totally different forever after that). And we were still friends, we hung out..blah blah blah. I started to really like him...but he wasnt showing much interest in me so he told me he didnt like me in that way...and i was upset because why would u hook up with someone u didnt have feelings for? But anyways, I was sad, and I started to move on. Then JJ stopped talking to me all toghether...and I freaked out a little, so i asked Chris (his friend and the drummer in their band) if he knew what was up JJ not talking to me and he then started to ignore me too...this made me more sad because chris and i had become good friend and he was suddenly ignoring me...i was like what happeneddd??? so one night I went to the hotel their band was staying at to see if i could talk to chris and see why he wasnt talking to me, he wasnt there so i left.
The next day, my boss from work calls me and says i need to come in ASAP, so i was like "okay, thats weird". When I got there my boss and the store manager were there waiting for me...i was like this cant be good. So they proceeded to ask me what I did last night and i told them...that i went to the hotel and everything. They then told me that someone had keyed JJs car last night...and i was like "wow that sucks" but then they were like "he said you did it". I was like "WHAT??" So to shorten this part...i got fired because JJ and his bands manager, Aaron said they would no longer be shopping at guitar center if i was there...even though i really didnt key his car...which was the worst day ever..well up until that day (it gets worse). I was so bummed and didnt get another job until 2 months later. But anyways...a month went by without any drama between me and the band guys who got me fired, i deleted them off my myspace and deleted their numbers from my phone...then, i had my yearly papsmear and I didnt feel weird but my test results came back abnormal..i wasnt scared...i was like I probably just have a little infection or something. Then my doctor told me that my test came back positive for HPV...i was like that kind of sucks, i didnt really know anything about the disease. A few tests laster my doctor told me to come in because she had urgent news for me...i didnt really know what to think so i went in and got the news, "Kindra...i am so sorry....we believe you have cervical cancer". It didnt hit me right away so i said "i do? is there anyway to tell who i got it from?" and she said "well the cancer is fairly new in you so it would have to be someone you had sexual contact with, within the last 4 months." I had only been with two people in thoes 4 months, my ex boyfriend, Nile, and JJ. I called Nile right away and told him to go get tested for HPV, he said of course and did it the very next day, when he got his test results back he mailed them to me and they were negative for HPV.....I stared at the paper in horror....JJ gave me hpv.....and cancer...and on top of that got me fired.
Then i realized I had no way to get a hold of JJ to let him know he should be tested before he infects anyone else. I still had Monicas number (she was like their investor/manage lady). I called her and told her to tell JJ and she said "Kindra, you know he has HPV." I was like "What??? I didnt know that, he never told me that, I even asked him once." She was quite for a minute and then sadly said that she would let him know. Then later she sent me a text saying she told him and that he didnt seem to care...and proceeded to call me "slut" and "whore". I was like "wow...this REALLY sucks. I hate him."
So, it turns out his band is plating right my house tomorrow night. I was go to the shows at this venue but when I head his band was playing I broke into tears and cried for hours. My friends Lexi and Vera told me it was okay and that he is just a dousche bag. So Vera and Lexi came up with a plan. They are going to his show tomorrow night and gonna hand out HPV flyers to everyone who comes in even his band! I was so shocked that they cared so much for me that I cried even more. I asked if i could go and hand out flyers too and Lexi said "Kindra, NO...we are gonna fuck with him and I dont want you to see it. I dont think you could handle it." Shes right...and the show is tomorrow...ought to be an interesting night. But only amazing friends like mine who go to such lengths to make me feel better. Thank you Lexi and Vera, I Love you.
Oh and My friend Jackie is giving a speech on HPV and cervical cancer in my honor in one of her classes at the university and she said she would be honored if I came....my eyes swelled up and I cried..Im actually crying as I write this. Is my story so important that it could actually help others? Prevent further cases of HPV..just because of me? I cant even fathom it. Im lucky to be alive.
Ladies and gentelman get ur HPV shots! 70% of guys have HPV and dont know it because it doesnt affect them.....be one less person to be affect by HPV.
love you all,

Awe really?! :] I'm totally down! too difficult to explain on here, haha i'd have to give you a visual of some sort or another, but when i find the right words i'll be able to go into detail, it hasnt been done on here yet so im stoked! im looking through photobucket to give you an idea hahahaha lame i know. BIG hair is involved lol... that's all ive got at the moment to explain!
well, this is just a note to say hi babe