Seinfeld marathon on and I am OK with that... can always watch any of em over and over.
Not too much going on... all my friends are dating dancers... em I am not down with that. But whatever works for them.
Oh it is the epidsode where Jerry takes the first class seat and Elaine gets coach....ha "I picked a girl up in first class".
Have you ever hooked up on a plane???
Not too much going on... all my friends are dating dancers... em I am not down with that. But whatever works for them.
Oh it is the epidsode where Jerry takes the first class seat and Elaine gets coach....ha "I picked a girl up in first class".
Have you ever hooked up on a plane???
Nope, never hooked up on a plane.
Most fun I've had was getting bumped up to first class on hawaiian air from Honolulu to San Francisco. Sat next to Mr. Hawaii. We drank l o t s of free bubbly....that was fun. But who wants to date someone on roids. eeeeuuuu.
i could watch seinfeld over-n-over too....funny shit.