So I just created a folder with a picture of my new piercing. Yay! Go look at it! It is my 21st piercing in honor of my 21st birthday. If only I could hold off enough to only get another piercing on each birthday and make it a tradition... There are so many that I want though that I have no idea if I'll make it till my next bday...
More Blogs
Tuesday Mar 08, 2005
Just chillin... Waiting for my class to start. I'm wicked early for o… -
Sunday Mar 06, 2005
So, my house just went from having 3 people, 2 dogs, and my hamster, … -
Saturday Mar 05, 2005
Yah, so I guess I suck lately at this whole updating buisness. I'm re… -
Tuesday Jan 25, 2005
Wow... I was so fucked up tonight. It was amazing since I was wicked … -
Saturday Jan 15, 2005
Sweet... Just took this kink test... My Hotlanta Kink Test score w… -
Friday Jan 14, 2005
So I just created a folder with a picture of my new piercing. Yay! Go… -
Thursday Jan 13, 2005
First off... Suicide girls is the coolest thing ever! Second, why…