Long time, and no updates. I'm sorry to be so distant, and appreciate those of you who have stuck around to see what I do. Here's a little breakdown of the things in my life that are both good and bad. Hopefully I can have more good in the future.
1. I'm saving to pay off school 😭
- student loans are no joke (unlike my degree 🙃)
2. I'm saving to get a new car
-my current car needs work done to the point it'd be more cost efficient to buy a new one 😑
3. I'm saving to make more content
- shoots and builders don't come cheap, and finding the balance is getting hard.
4. I'm working two jobs now
-I'm tired most days after work, especially since some days I work both jobs.
5. I did recently do a portfolio builder!
-I post most of the photos from that on IG, but will try to post more of them here as they come in. Here's a sample not yet on IG ☺️
Interact with me in the comments!
What are some ways you keep yourself motivated when things too stressful to handle?
What kind of content would you like to see me attempt?
For a future set (as I'm planning to shoot a new one in the next month), what type would you like to see? (I'm thinking of doing a cosplay related set, but would love to do a collab shoot once I get some more experience.
Who are some of your favorite SG creators you think I should follow and get to know?
I love you all and again appreciate all of your patience and understanding with me ❤️