How I wish spring was up on us. To see everything re born again. The warmth of the temperature, the growing of the flowers the sweet smell of Spring. I wish the season's never changed. I could do without winter but that is what the Lord and Lady want and that is how it shall be. I just want to see the birth of nature! Bring on the colors!! Seeing the world like this reminds me that we are in our own personal hell. To me this is hell. Cold weather, killings, rapists. I could go on and on. Do you really believe this is our life?? What are your views? Do you believe in Jesus? What religion rules do you go by?
I myself am Pagan. You can call me witch and any other bad name you wish. If you don't understand what Pagan is do some research. What is that saying in the bible..Judge not and ye shall not be judged. How come its always the Christians to cast the first stone of judgement? If you believe in the bible then why must you be the first to be so judgemental? Just because not everyone believes in your "Jesus" doesnt mean you need to judge us. IF there is a God and Jesus and your Holy Spirit then it will be me who will be punished in the long run. So stop casting your stones of hate and follow the words that are supposed to be true in the Bible. I do not push my religion on you and I would appreciate the same in return. Why can't we just get along? We all put on our pants the same way.
Blessed Be!
Kimmiee Kisses
I myself am Pagan. You can call me witch and any other bad name you wish. If you don't understand what Pagan is do some research. What is that saying in the bible..Judge not and ye shall not be judged. How come its always the Christians to cast the first stone of judgement? If you believe in the bible then why must you be the first to be so judgemental? Just because not everyone believes in your "Jesus" doesnt mean you need to judge us. IF there is a God and Jesus and your Holy Spirit then it will be me who will be punished in the long run. So stop casting your stones of hate and follow the words that are supposed to be true in the Bible. I do not push my religion on you and I would appreciate the same in return. Why can't we just get along? We all put on our pants the same way.
Blessed Be!
Kimmiee Kisses