Ok, I am pulling a Peter Griffin here and we are going to have a session of "What really grinds my gears!"
Grinds my gears #1-First thing that grinds my gears is slow drivers! Especially on the highway! How come it always seems like I get behind the slowest damn car. When the speed limit is 65 don't do 40! OR the best is when they brake on the highway and there is NO ONE THERE! Why the fuck are you going to hit your brakes? What is there an invincible car that only you can see? People like you are why there are accidents!
One down and I don't know how many more to go. So I am going to pack my bowl, take a puff and get on with my bitch session.
Grinds my gears #2:-I like to play online poker. The zynga poker. Yes, lame. To me it's better than spending my money and watching someone else take it. Ok, back on track. I do my best to play smart. Tell me why this little fuckers go all in before the flop comes down and they have shitty hands and they win! I tell you what. I get so heated about that I cuss at the dealer! Oh yes, I do that. Get this, I had 4 ACE'S! 4! That is a mother fucking fantastic hand. I went all in right? Tell me how some douche gets a fuckin royal flush! Are you kidding me? I have never had such a great hand and have it taken all away by a hand that is won (1 in 649,740.00) I can't believe that.
Grinds my gears #3: I am a HUGE fan of music. Love it. All kinds of music, well except country. Country makes me want to destroy the earth. Actually if you think about it..Country is not country anymore, it's pop! Johnny Cash was country, Conway Twitty, that was country. Ok enough about country-poop, I begin to see red.
Now this is what frustates me. People that listen to one type of music. They do not broaden their horizons? There is so much WONDERFUL music out there. Be open-minded, experiment and search. You will be surprised at what you find and what you might actually enjoy. Music fits ALL kinds of moods. It's amazing!
Grinds my gears 3 1/2:The reason I did that is because I am not done talking about music. I do want to talk about today's music. I do admit there are some GREAT new songs out. Great bands. Like, Kings of Leon. I love their sound! It's unique, it's jazzy and it's feel good music. Another current artist. I LOVE is Lady Gaga. She is so orginal! You can't help but belt that shit out in your car when your alone (and that is for men too). To me, she is my generations Madonna. Now here comes the part that pisses me off. Why is that most of the songs today are cover songs? I mean, really? Really?? Why would you re-make a song that has been hearded before and MOST not all but most of the remakes are HORRIBLE! Are you not talented enough to come up with your own stuff so you have to play and mix other music to make yourself feel like your a rock star? HA HA! FUCK NO! Music is supposed to be from the soul. Feelings. How can you feel good about yourself knowing you are taking someone else's music! You non-talented pieces of shit! If you can't come up with your own stuff don't bother becoming part of the entertainment industry! The sad thing is, is that it becomes popular! Are you kidding me? AHHHHHHHHHH! It's all teeny booper shit. What happened to orginality? Bring it back. Be a leader and not a follower!
Grind my gears #4: When people do not put their carts into the designated area! How lazy can you be? A little consideration people! Why is everyone so fucking lazy? I actually said something to someone today about it! The cart area was about 10 steps away! So I went to her car, knocked on her window and told her how rude and lazy she was! I hate that! Why has America become lazy!! ??
Grinds my gears #5: Why is it when you get on myspace IM and some ask you for your a/s/l. First off, you came to me! That is what myspace is all about! You can get to know about the person a bit. Why must you ask my sex when you can look at my picture and tell I am a female! If there is a picture of a cartoon and your name is Pat. Yes, I would ask too but seriously. Before you come to some one look at their profile! You can find out how old they are, where they are from, if they are in a relationship. Look before you make yourself look like a dumbass for already having the answers and if someone lies on their profile, guess what? They are probably going to lie to you!
Grinds my gears #51/2: Why do people look for sex on myspace? Are you serious?????? That desperate huh? Sad for you. It's nasty. Don't try to come to me and tell me that you would like to do bad things with me. First off, I am not a hoe! Sorry and I am sorry that you can't find anyone to take care of you but that is what your hand is for you nasty pervs! What drives me nuts is when they know your in a relationship or married they still continue to be disrespectful! What a pathetic piece of shit you are. Why can't you realize that that person is taken. They don't you. They got what they want and if they do talk to you they are as pathetic as you!
Ok, I am done for the night. I really needed to get that out. I think blogging has helped a bit!
Thank you for reading this babble.
Kimmiee Kisses
Grinds my gears #1-First thing that grinds my gears is slow drivers! Especially on the highway! How come it always seems like I get behind the slowest damn car. When the speed limit is 65 don't do 40! OR the best is when they brake on the highway and there is NO ONE THERE! Why the fuck are you going to hit your brakes? What is there an invincible car that only you can see? People like you are why there are accidents!

One down and I don't know how many more to go. So I am going to pack my bowl, take a puff and get on with my bitch session.

Grinds my gears #2:-I like to play online poker. The zynga poker. Yes, lame. To me it's better than spending my money and watching someone else take it. Ok, back on track. I do my best to play smart. Tell me why this little fuckers go all in before the flop comes down and they have shitty hands and they win! I tell you what. I get so heated about that I cuss at the dealer! Oh yes, I do that. Get this, I had 4 ACE'S! 4! That is a mother fucking fantastic hand. I went all in right? Tell me how some douche gets a fuckin royal flush! Are you kidding me? I have never had such a great hand and have it taken all away by a hand that is won (1 in 649,740.00) I can't believe that.
Grinds my gears #3: I am a HUGE fan of music. Love it. All kinds of music, well except country. Country makes me want to destroy the earth. Actually if you think about it..Country is not country anymore, it's pop! Johnny Cash was country, Conway Twitty, that was country. Ok enough about country-poop, I begin to see red.

Grinds my gears 3 1/2:The reason I did that is because I am not done talking about music. I do want to talk about today's music. I do admit there are some GREAT new songs out. Great bands. Like, Kings of Leon. I love their sound! It's unique, it's jazzy and it's feel good music. Another current artist. I LOVE is Lady Gaga. She is so orginal! You can't help but belt that shit out in your car when your alone (and that is for men too). To me, she is my generations Madonna. Now here comes the part that pisses me off. Why is that most of the songs today are cover songs? I mean, really? Really?? Why would you re-make a song that has been hearded before and MOST not all but most of the remakes are HORRIBLE! Are you not talented enough to come up with your own stuff so you have to play and mix other music to make yourself feel like your a rock star? HA HA! FUCK NO! Music is supposed to be from the soul. Feelings. How can you feel good about yourself knowing you are taking someone else's music! You non-talented pieces of shit! If you can't come up with your own stuff don't bother becoming part of the entertainment industry! The sad thing is, is that it becomes popular! Are you kidding me? AHHHHHHHHHH! It's all teeny booper shit. What happened to orginality? Bring it back. Be a leader and not a follower!
Grind my gears #4: When people do not put their carts into the designated area! How lazy can you be? A little consideration people! Why is everyone so fucking lazy? I actually said something to someone today about it! The cart area was about 10 steps away! So I went to her car, knocked on her window and told her how rude and lazy she was! I hate that! Why has America become lazy!! ??
Grinds my gears #5: Why is it when you get on myspace IM and some ask you for your a/s/l. First off, you came to me! That is what myspace is all about! You can get to know about the person a bit. Why must you ask my sex when you can look at my picture and tell I am a female! If there is a picture of a cartoon and your name is Pat. Yes, I would ask too but seriously. Before you come to some one look at their profile! You can find out how old they are, where they are from, if they are in a relationship. Look before you make yourself look like a dumbass for already having the answers and if someone lies on their profile, guess what? They are probably going to lie to you!
Grinds my gears #51/2: Why do people look for sex on myspace? Are you serious?????? That desperate huh? Sad for you. It's nasty. Don't try to come to me and tell me that you would like to do bad things with me. First off, I am not a hoe! Sorry and I am sorry that you can't find anyone to take care of you but that is what your hand is for you nasty pervs! What drives me nuts is when they know your in a relationship or married they still continue to be disrespectful! What a pathetic piece of shit you are. Why can't you realize that that person is taken. They don't you. They got what they want and if they do talk to you they are as pathetic as you!
Ok, I am done for the night. I really needed to get that out. I think blogging has helped a bit!

Kimmiee Kisses

I think of her as a mix of Madonna and Cyndi Lauper!