GRRRRRRRRRRR! I hate GATEWAY COMPUTERS! I AM DONE WITH PC'S! I am moving to a MAC as soon as I can! I bought this computer Oct 20th. It is November 25th. A month and some days and this computer is the worst piece of shit ever!!
I have called Gateway all week about this computer. After spending over $800 on this computer they want me to ship it!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That is a week to 2 weeks without a computer! WRONGO! This is my life source!
I mean how much money are we supposed to give these companies? After a month it's done? PC's are horrible!
Sorry I had to vent about that! I have been wanting to pull out my hair! Thank you for reading the mumbo jumbo but I hope I keep you interested.

I have called Gateway all week about this computer. After spending over $800 on this computer they want me to ship it!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That is a week to 2 weeks without a computer! WRONGO! This is my life source!
I mean how much money are we supposed to give these companies? After a month it's done? PC's are horrible!
Sorry I had to vent about that! I have been wanting to pull out my hair! Thank you for reading the mumbo jumbo but I hope I keep you interested.