Watching House on this wonderful Friday night. I am such a boring person. Oh well, I guess its better than going out and getting in trouble. I am going to finish watching this and play some DJ Hero! WOOT WOOT!!
Dang things have been insane around here! I am glad to have at lease this break right now! WHEW! It's been non stop! I am glad the super bowl is over though! WOO HOO! Now on to baseball!! GO CARDINALS!!
Becoming Pagan
Current mood: blessed
Category: Religion and Philosophy
Finding Paganism was the best thing I could have done for myself. I used to be Christian (or so I thought) I began to go to church and try to change my ways. I thought I knew what spirituality was.I even got baptized. I often prayed to Jesus and nothing. I never felt like he was...
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Current mood: blessed
Category: Religion and Philosophy
Finding Paganism was the best thing I could have done for myself. I used to be Christian (or so I thought) I began to go to church and try to change my ways. I thought I knew what spirituality was.I even got baptized. I often prayed to Jesus and nothing. I never felt like he was...
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I am at my breaking point. I have lived in this complex for 6-7 months now and all I do is here the neighbors dog bark!! It's all the time! Even though the woman is breaking her lease the complex is still allowing it! Can you believe it? I will be speaking to an attorney because I don't know what else to do. I am...
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Well hello there world! How is everyone today?! I had a bad morning due to the maintenance men at my apartment complex. I got yelled by a maintenance man because he didn't want to come do his damn job! What an asshole! I woke up this morning and the heat was not working. This has been happening for a while now, even after they changed...
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Lovely set.
Hope your day went well.

Lovely set.
Hope your day went well.

Lol it is funny x_o
Black, Red and Almost Dead
Hopeful Set
I did not get any ink work done..BOOOOOOOOOO but that is ok! I have an appointment in 2 weeks so that helps me kind of shape up a little more
I am started to get excited to get this done with! I love this tattoo just hate the pain. So I am going to start doing my Yoga and cardio again. I must say that...
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i feel the same way 'bout tattoos,and i think you have some awesome eyes.

Well thank you
I am glad I am not the only one that feel that way. I have lost many friends because of the way I want to feel. I don't fit into their crowd. Oh well
They aren't worth our time if they can't see that we still are the same person just with decorated and fun skin!

I just found out about an hour ago that my husband and I are moving to Germany!! I am so excited! It is going to be great to get away from the States. Yes, I might eat those words later but I am excited that I get a chance to see the other side of the world! I never thought that a girl like me...
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A soldier ran up to a nun. Out of breath, he asked, "Please, may I hide under your skirt? I'll explain later.." The nun agreed.
My husband has been deployed to Iraq twice and he is on his 3rd deployment right now. I thought that this would be a funny joke. I hope you all enjoy because I thought it was funny.
A moment later...
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My husband has been deployed to Iraq twice and he is on his 3rd deployment right now. I thought that this would be a funny joke. I hope you all enjoy because I thought it was funny.
A moment later...
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Today started out very frigid! When I woke up it was fucking cold!! I went to my thermostat and it said it was at 58 degrees! With the Colorado crisp weather it made it colder! If any of you have your nipples pierced you know how HORRIBLE it is when it gets cold! My nips hurt! It is so cold that they will not stop...
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Money..Money makes the world go round and unfortunately I don't have enough to even make it go half way around. I mean..Why is it that some people have all the luck...Not only do they have money but things fall into their laps! Pfft, when will it be my turn. I am tired of living paycheck to paycheck. I have dealt with this since I started...
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Ok stoner snack attack moment!! When you have the munchies, what is your favorite snack? I fuckin love Big's Zesty Ranch sunflower seeds with a 32 oz of XXX vitamin water
My favorite! I can't get enough! The seeds are great for you but the sodium is not so good for you. I think I need a sunflower seed intervention