Omg, SO I am so tired I cant put this into format or anything. My dumb ass stayed up all night last night with a couple friends having a wild fucking night (with limited drinking on my part because I dont get drunk the night before a shoot, or a tattoo and I was supposed to do both today)........ Anyways.. So I was up till 5am, having allot of sexy fun, lmfao... AANnd I had to work at noon, I was supposed to tattoo but he canceled so I spent the day as an apprentice under my co-worker Fish, so I could get a better idea of his methods of black and grey tattooing... Which if you are actually studying and listening to what is going on in the process can be strenuous on your eyes and brain lol.. But anywho.....
NOW.... I have a photoshoot, with Sean M Stitt!! Super exhausted, but otherwise enthused... Got so much in store for my life that I cant slow down or take a break, because to be what I wanna be in both tattooing and my modeling career, it is gonna take allot of time and sleepless nights..
I know, sleep is important for photoshoots, and it was dumb on my part to stay away last night, but it was something that I am glad I did and now I just need to put in some eye drops. Grab my heals and not fuck around....
#grind #artlife