Hi everyone!!
Im sorry it has been a very long time since I posted anything. I have just been working on what to do about my current financial situation and it is taking allot out of me... But Anyways. Still waiting for my photos to come back edited for my next set. Cant wait to post them!!
Cant wait for my set to go live on the 29th!! I'm so excited for you all to see it. I will be doing a photo-shoot in California next month, and that as well is exciting.
Hope to talk to you all soon.
Kimberly Tattoo

Im sorry it has been a very long time since I posted anything. I have just been working on what to do about my current financial situation and it is taking allot out of me... But Anyways. Still waiting for my photos to come back edited for my next set. Cant wait to post them!!
Cant wait for my set to go live on the 29th!! I'm so excited for you all to see it. I will be doing a photo-shoot in California next month, and that as well is exciting.

Kimberly Tattoo

Awesome photos!