I recently seen a hopeful who put up a blog basically pleading for staff to make her pink, thinking this was a bad idea as it might come across as being too desperate i made a short comment saying so but i understood her frustration. I later went back to the blog to see my comment was gone, she obviously deleted it. The only comments on her blog were ultra positive ones that agreed with her point of view. Is this common practice on the site for models to delete anything negative only leaving the good comments and therefore fool staff into thinking every single person on the site loves them? Can it also be done on sets for example or only blogs and individual photos. Surely its a bad day when someone cannot accept some constructive criticism.
In my humble opinion, all the ladies on this site are beautiful and do not deserve negative comments;Im a great believer that if you have nothing kind to say ,then move on!. As for negative comments on sets;of course the ladies would be hurt by them;they put their hearts and souls into their work and dont deserve criticism and have every right to remove those comments if they wish.
I personally have never left a negative comment on any models set, and the comment i did make on the blogpost was this "I don't think begging to be made pink is a good idea, but i fully understand your frustration" personally I dont think that is a negative comment, it was guidance above all else. It was however the deletion of my comment that got me thinking about whole reason for this blog @lionheart1 and every lass who does put up photos deserve applause as it cannot be easy to show your naked body to the world, so i do get you.