Ok so I've deactivated my Facebook account, it's so in your face with shite I'm not interested in, people posting a pic of their dinner every night is boring, and as much as I know new parents are proud of their screaming wean I don't want to see 500 pictures a day of the bright red pasty wee thing.
Until recently I thought that was my only way of communication with the outside world, I've been a member of sg for 4 years I think and as a very shy guy I was always scared to get involved in groups and conversations, I often typed something out then deleted it, no one will understand me I said to myself, or they will think I'm out of line posting it in here. But you know something, the more involved in get the more I realise that the lovely people in here have the same opinions of life that I do, there is nothing wrong in being a single shy person who has weird views of life.
I've made so many virtual friends in here, and although I've never met any of you, you all communicate with me more than those in used to talk to one Facebook. Your comments good and bad mean so much to me. And of course I can't finish off without a wee shout out to all you beautiful women in follow and those who follow me, I am truly grateful to all of you for making my life that little bit more bearable.
Scotty loves you all. Xxx