YYEEESSSS!! I begin school, next Monday...!!! I was on a waiting list.. now i'm IN!!
Beginning: August 2005 End: December 2006... I have a list from approximately 800$ of artist material whom I must buy... that's gonna be fun! AFter I will probably make a 4 months course ''dmarage d'entreprise'', and manage my own 'store-compagny'..
The only problem is that I hate team work.. first because that never goes the way I want and because I do not have the same idea of projects that the others... well well.. we will see.. but for NOW.. I'm so excited
I enjoy the moment..!
... and I have a new hat ...
... and i LOVE sushi ...
my life fucking sucks right now. stab a knife through my heart why don't you..

Beginning: August 2005 End: December 2006... I have a list from approximately 800$ of artist material whom I must buy... that's gonna be fun! AFter I will probably make a 4 months course ''dmarage d'entreprise'', and manage my own 'store-compagny'..
The only problem is that I hate team work.. first because that never goes the way I want and because I do not have the same idea of projects that the others... well well.. we will see.. but for NOW.. I'm so excited

... and I have a new hat ...

... and i LOVE sushi ...

my life fucking sucks right now. stab a knife through my heart why don't you..

"Mixed Doubles"
September 1, 2005
10 PM - 3 AM
Green Room (5386 St-Laurent)
(no cover)