I'm tired... thats why I haven't been posting. I've been running on 3 hours of sleep every night. Yesterday was the only day in 4 weeks that I got REAL sleep. I slept 8 hours.^.^ I was still tired when I woke up though. I wanna quit my job, but I can't. I think I'm going to go part-time after I take care of some medical shit. Then I won't need my insurance.
Here's some old pics.
And here's a pic of Julies tat^.^ This post was supposed to be about that nite, I have pics of her gettin the tat. But I'm to tired to crop them and shit.
Here's some old pics.

And here's a pic of Julies tat^.^ This post was supposed to be about that nite, I have pics of her gettin the tat. But I'm to tired to crop them and shit.

oh, and if you want a regular slr, regual as in not digital, hit e-bay. i got a wonderful old nikkormat for 60 bucks there. its a great old heavy camera that nikkon used to put out. that was my second one. but there are countless kinds. check it out