currently still loving the bit comet, i love all of the sweet horror movies i've been able to download recently.
yesterday i watched the Rifftrax for transformers, and oh my god was it funny. if you don't know what that is, they are commentary tracks that you play along with films and they provide hilarious riffing on the film a la MST3K, as they are...
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yesterday i watched the Rifftrax for transformers, and oh my god was it funny. if you don't know what that is, they are commentary tracks that you play along with films and they provide hilarious riffing on the film a la MST3K, as they are...
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man, i love bit comet.
in the past month or so, since i've been fired and not had anything at all to do i've been downloading copious amounts of mystery science theater 300 episodes. so far i'm up to about a hundred and two, and i'm showing no signs of slowing down at all. as a matter of fact, i have ten more new eps...
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in the past month or so, since i've been fired and not had anything at all to do i've been downloading copious amounts of mystery science theater 300 episodes. so far i'm up to about a hundred and two, and i'm showing no signs of slowing down at all. as a matter of fact, i have ten more new eps...
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this has been one of the worst weeks i can remember. from thursday of last week to actually this friday [i know, that's slightly longer than a week] i have... been caught drinking, smoking pot, looking at porn, not to mention being fired or having another girl tell me she's not interested in me. oh, and a busted mp3 player, being embarased at work, wanting...
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Obese??? PLEASE.
And I should know.
And I should know.

I just wanted to stop by and thank you for being a member of the Concerts Group. The Summer Concert Season is almost upon us, so I'd love to have you throw a review into the group if you happen to catch any great (or not-so-great) shows this year. And if you know of anyone who might like the group... send 'em our way. The more the merrier!! Have a great summer! ♥
whoo! happy news year.
let me first just tip my 40 to saddam. we barely knew you buddy.
what better to ring in the new year then by downing a case of yuengling black and tan and passing out to the twilight zone marathon on sci fi channel.
god, i hate my life. just got off the phone with my creditors who are getting ready...
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let me first just tip my 40 to saddam. we barely knew you buddy.
what better to ring in the new year then by downing a case of yuengling black and tan and passing out to the twilight zone marathon on sci fi channel.
god, i hate my life. just got off the phone with my creditors who are getting ready...
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word!!! that is a jem necklace.... oh trumps, when is this snow going to go away so i can drive places, and yes washpa was on my list to drive to.
so sorry about that meeting, no bonuses? that's shitty. yeah this weather has really made it hard to get anywhere, i want to see you soon. 

here is a nice new blog entry for the one, the only good ol' buddy o' mine ems. she's the only girl sweet enough to appear on my friends list twice. sorry ladies. plus, she's the only one who will ever see this.
nothing incredibly new and sweet is going on in this neck of the woods. i got some newish tires for my...
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here is a nice new blog entry for the one, the only good ol' buddy o' mine ems. she's the only girl sweet enough to appear on my friends list twice. sorry ladies. plus, she's the only one who will ever see this.
nothing incredibly new and sweet is going on in this neck of the woods. i got some newish tires for my...
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currently wishing i was dead.
what else is new?
what else is new?
so i got your message about lake monster... that totally sucks!! what happened? we could start a band...
currently i'm wishing you put up some more bloggy blog.... 

damn, i'm in the middle of playing final fantasy 12 and i'm trying to poach some rare items from these silicon tortoises and the fuckers never drop anything valuable. it's all the same old shit. grrr....

wow, been forever since i've actually had any sort of update. people mark your calendars. well, maybe not.
for all that hype, i really don't have anything great to report. it feels like it's been forever since i've had sex. either a guy or a girl would be great, but i've more been craving a boy lately. i am about ready to hop on craigslist...
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for all that hype, i really don't have anything great to report. it feels like it's been forever since i've had sex. either a guy or a girl would be great, but i've more been craving a boy lately. i am about ready to hop on craigslist...
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whoo. sweet new paintballing action going on this weekend. i so totally pulled a muscle on the back of my calfish/thigh area. you should've seen me sitting down in my lousy, low, little car. weirdness.
my treatise on music: i like instrumental stuff as of late. i've recently been into this russian mp3 page that kicks ass and i've downloaded like 6 pink floyd albums...
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my treatise on music: i like instrumental stuff as of late. i've recently been into this russian mp3 page that kicks ass and i've downloaded like 6 pink floyd albums...
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...likely because my phone number changed
...likely because my phone number changed

That. Was. Hottttttt.

awww yeah. so ends the horrible week of overtime they force us to work every month.
it's pretty sad, i need to get out of that crap ass job. i should get a job being a vet assistant with my brother. i'm not keen on shaving a dogs naughty bits to prep it for surgery, but it would sure pay a lot more than my...
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it's pretty sad, i need to get out of that crap ass job. i should get a job being a vet assistant with my brother. i'm not keen on shaving a dogs naughty bits to prep it for surgery, but it would sure pay a lot more than my...
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sooo soo tired. and i'm supposed to go golfing tomorrow, i hope it's not too hot out.
miss eliza badly. need some chat time [and this time i have video conferencing, so you can watch me be boring, haha]
miss eliza badly. need some chat time [and this time i have video conferencing, so you can watch me be boring, haha]
Golf eh? I want to learn to play golf, but i've to find someone to teach me first.
Thanks for the comment on my set mate. Cheers.
Thanks for the comment on my set mate. Cheers.
Kind of a photography buff you say???? I had a look, and might i say your pics are good. No seriously, i know i don't know much, but those black and white ones in particular seem really good.
The pics of Rome were all taken by my man, except a few that were taken by me. I'm really proud of them too, cuz i've never really taken a decent photo in my life, and tehy're actually alright. So, i'm proud. It's a nice hobby to have. I'm goign to learn more. Hopefully you'll be forced to see more of it soon.
The pics of Rome were all taken by my man, except a few that were taken by me. I'm really proud of them too, cuz i've never really taken a decent photo in my life, and tehy're actually alright. So, i'm proud. It's a nice hobby to have. I'm goign to learn more. Hopefully you'll be forced to see more of it soon.

so, i found out that my ex instead of just making out with a chick, actually had sex with her and never thought to mention it to me. i was sooo upset, but i guess i have no real reason to be upset, other than jealousy. but i sooooo could have lived the rest of my life without knowing that. she was like, "if you...
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I'm sorry to hear that, Darlin.
So, I kindof miss the old SG layout. At least, the way the friends list would show up on the profile? Because your member name is so long, it would always show up as KillTheHos... And this brought me much joy.

So, I kindof miss the old SG layout. At least, the way the friends list would show up on the profile? Because your member name is so long, it would always show up as KillTheHos... And this brought me much joy.