Man I am sending a journal from way out east and the weather seems to be the same out here fucking beautiful!!!!! Other than that i am having a great time hanging with my family and my god my little baby cousins are getting bigger and smarter it was hard hiding from them that i smoked they busted me everytime
smart little mofo's, but after spends a couple of hours with them i have decided the not have kids EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!.....................well maybe when i am 35 or something but not anytime soon thats for damn sure Fav songs of the week Chimaira - Severed (Demo), Story of the Year - Sidewalks(slow and soft but i still like it) and Until The Day I Die (a fucking good one live) til next time mother bitches PEECE!!!!!!!!!

Hope your holidays rocked MUCHO!! And I'll say it for the millionth time, don't beat up your little bro TOO badly