Well well well i guess my internet is not as fucked up as I last thought but hey I not gonna say anymore aboot that due to the jinx factor that likes to happen to me on a daily. Anyways that was pretty fun last Saturday, and I'll be the 1st to say that I dove head first into a alcohol fuel weekend of crazyness. Needless to say i am a lush and i think it maybe time to cut the drinking off for a bit. More then %75 of my week envolve's drinking and God damnit i am tired of it! That could also be one to the many reasons why I fucking went nuts on Sunday I had never felt so close to snapping and i will second the theory of you brain suddening snapping(i honestly felt a pop) i have never ever done that before and thus never want it to happen again......I have learn't alot about myself within these last couple of months and hey I think I don't have it half as bad as i thought i did. Woww i guess i put this to go use today
I think i am done babbling on but i think i needed to get alot of that off my chest....... back to cleaning the apartment
I got wrecked saturday night, any movement at the end of the night (actually deep morning) would have caused instant vomiting, nothing to drink on sunday, but by monday i was thirsty, and shit by tuesday i wanted to get smashed, alky or boredom? Fuckin both