Greetings friends from the internet i have returned from my eternal boredem to add yet another i am not gonna lie i keep forgetting i have an account but here goes........ my halloween was pretty good i guess i prob should have gone to ohallons on the 31 but for some reason i decided not too.......oh ya cause i am an moron!!!! but at least i went to a pretty fun party on the 29 got gooned as the man Hunter S. Thompson. Feeling kind of tired lately i hope me not getting sick or something o well if there was a song that i been listen to that can best describe how i feel today is Breaking Benjamin Simple Design for some reason thats the one song that make so much more sense to me. Anyway back to doing nothing........i mean work

anywho, i'll giv ya a call this weekend so we can chilax to the max, if i'm no longer diseased by then
Bleh, hope work's going alright. No more horrifying battle wounds?