Well, here it is...34 years old today.
Started chemoradiation therapy on Monday, and aside from feeling very tired, I am doing ok.
My friends, understanding the struggles of the past year with cancer, and my shitty assed heartless bosses laying me off (no one ever use Internet America for their ISP) have created a benefit CD featuring some various under ground musicians and a couple that have been with Killing Joke. Pretty cool of them.
If anyone is interested in checking that out, here is the link:
Also, we have acquired more rescue snakes and a couple of rescue lizards. The new additions bring our herp total to about 15 now with a few other pets that are more traditional.
Also, a friend of ours is giving me a white lipped tree viper, another friend gave me 3 adult and 3 baby gerbils (no we are NOT feeding them to the snakes, they are pets), and another friend gave me a very cool Arizona Mountain King for my birthday. Very cool of them.
To everyone who has messaged me since halloween, sorry I haven't gotten back to you. Been very hectic with tests, and having this whole cancer thing sorted out. Hopefully when the rounds of chemo are done, my illness will be just as done.
Now, here are some pics of some of the new additions we have:
Me and my Honduran Milk Snake (El Diablo)
Me and my Common Boa, (Anubis)
Chinese Water Dragon (Yen-Lo-Wang)
Florida King (Ptah)
Our other Florida King (Osiris)
Me and Anubis asleep on the couch after watching Hurricane Rita's rain bands skim Austin
My new Az. Mountain King
Since I am going through chemoradiation treatment, I wanted a few of our animals in my bedroom with me. Here is Yen-Lo-Wang, Aleister, and Sobek (Leopard gecko) next to my side of the bed.

Started chemoradiation therapy on Monday, and aside from feeling very tired, I am doing ok.
My friends, understanding the struggles of the past year with cancer, and my shitty assed heartless bosses laying me off (no one ever use Internet America for their ISP) have created a benefit CD featuring some various under ground musicians and a couple that have been with Killing Joke. Pretty cool of them.
If anyone is interested in checking that out, here is the link:
Also, we have acquired more rescue snakes and a couple of rescue lizards. The new additions bring our herp total to about 15 now with a few other pets that are more traditional.
Also, a friend of ours is giving me a white lipped tree viper, another friend gave me 3 adult and 3 baby gerbils (no we are NOT feeding them to the snakes, they are pets), and another friend gave me a very cool Arizona Mountain King for my birthday. Very cool of them.
To everyone who has messaged me since halloween, sorry I haven't gotten back to you. Been very hectic with tests, and having this whole cancer thing sorted out. Hopefully when the rounds of chemo are done, my illness will be just as done.
Now, here are some pics of some of the new additions we have:
Me and my Honduran Milk Snake (El Diablo)

Me and my Common Boa, (Anubis)

Chinese Water Dragon (Yen-Lo-Wang)

Florida King (Ptah)

Our other Florida King (Osiris)

Me and Anubis asleep on the couch after watching Hurricane Rita's rain bands skim Austin

My new Az. Mountain King

Since I am going through chemoradiation treatment, I wanted a few of our animals in my bedroom with me. Here is Yen-Lo-Wang, Aleister, and Sobek (Leopard gecko) next to my side of the bed.

Happy Birthday Sweetie!!!!! Hope it kicks ass for ya!