Got a new profile pic. I started working out and I don't want my old pictures to represent me, so I made this computer generated model of what I will look like in six more months. Notice all the new mass on the pecs, shoulders and biceps?
I've resolved to only drink German beer and Mexican liquor from now on, if I can help it....
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I've resolved to only drink German beer and Mexican liquor from now on, if I can help it....
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So the conversation I just had with myself was like...
"No, I will not let you put tequila in a chocolate milkshake. It's just not right."
"No, I will not let you put tequila in a chocolate milkshake. It's just not right."
happy 21st birthday hun!

I hate my truck. I'm disowning her. They just don't make 'em like they used to.
Yeah well looks likes I gots me a friend up there in my friends list. I guess I'm not interenet savvy, haven't really gone around making "friends" on here. I guess I treat the internet like life, I mean, I wouldn't just walk into a room full of strangers and start introducing myself and commenting on the things they say...except when I moved into the...
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hey comrade.... yea not much really going on in buffalo.. but I am starting to get involved with food not bombs... they serve vegetarian food for free downtown. its a pretty good group I guess
The last month of being 20 is like waiting for the pizza guy to come...for a month. You can't do anything in this town until you're 21. Good thing pot is illegal...if it wasn't, the government could tax and regulate it and kids of all ages wouldn't have access to it, so they'd all be cokeheads, which I hear is what's going on in the...
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i feel pretty cool and dumb right now too... i just got promoted.
i think every drug should be legalized and sold by the government so it can have the shit taxed out of it, and all the people who can't handle it will just... OD. ...and maybe other taxes can be lowered. it sucks ass that i have to give away 1/3 of my hard earned money because someone halfway across town can't get a job.
anyway. later
i think every drug should be legalized and sold by the government so it can have the shit taxed out of it, and all the people who can't handle it will just... OD. ...and maybe other taxes can be lowered. it sucks ass that i have to give away 1/3 of my hard earned money because someone halfway across town can't get a job.
anyway. later

At this point I'm pretty sure nobody reads this. It just all gets archived and fills up the internet with random text; there must be billions of sentances just floating around in cyberspace. One day someone's gonna write a program that grabs sentances at random from all over the internet and compiles them into a book...and it's gonna be the coolest book ever. So keep...
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i think i just proved you wrong... i read your entry.

Bigget douchebag of the year ward goes to me. Had tickets to reverend horton heat. I was really excited about seeing them tonight...too bad the show was last night. This ruins my year, and I'll never forgive myself.
When I make a movie, the opening scene will go like this:
*Old Hank Williams song in background*
Man in barn milks cow into a glass. Takes drink from glass.
Says to the cow:
"Great job today, I really think this is some of your best stuff yet!"
*Old Hank Williams song in background*
Man in barn milks cow into a glass. Takes drink from glass.
Says to the cow:
"Great job today, I really think this is some of your best stuff yet!"
I got a memory card for my camera, so hopefully sometime soon I won't be a rocker arm strap anymore.
I doubt anyone reads this, but if your in buffalo and looking for a place to live, we's lookin' for a roommate in our bigass house.
The Olds
Just joined up here. Seems fun. Anybody in buffalo?
Welcome to SG