I was born on the Winter Solstice so very long ago. People, places and events long forgotten yet still imbedded in my heart. A day when the light returns to bring the shadowless night to a close. Rejoice in the light.
The Winter Solstice on December 21st marks a powerful astrological moment celebrated since the dawn of man. It is still celebrated today, all around the world.
The Winter Solstice is when we celebrate the returning of the light as our ancestors did before us. Stone structures thousands of years old that have been discovered around the world were built to receive the direct rays of Sun at dawn on the Winter Solstice. The Romans celebrated "Saturnalia" this time of year with gift-giving and lighting candles to ward off the darkness. It is interesting to note that Saturn is the planet that the ancients associated with Capricorn.
Even as our culture builds to a gift-giving crescendo, there is a deeper meaning to be found at this magical time of year. You can touch the astrological rhythms by making time to be quiet. This is the dark night of the year. Instead of pushing your energy into the world, pull into yourself for some quality inner work. Let the seeds of your imagination gestate until once again they can burst forth at the Spring Equinox.
Honor the yearly solar cycle by acknowledging the stillness of the Sun on this special day. And, like so many who have gone before us, marvel at the miracle of the returning light.
This has always been my gift to you, for eons I have lived to bring you hope with the return of the light. Be at peace knowing that I am there with you always.
Lasto beth nin tolo dan na ngalad - listen to my word, return to the light.
The Winter Solstice on December 21st marks a powerful astrological moment celebrated since the dawn of man. It is still celebrated today, all around the world.
The Winter Solstice is when we celebrate the returning of the light as our ancestors did before us. Stone structures thousands of years old that have been discovered around the world were built to receive the direct rays of Sun at dawn on the Winter Solstice. The Romans celebrated "Saturnalia" this time of year with gift-giving and lighting candles to ward off the darkness. It is interesting to note that Saturn is the planet that the ancients associated with Capricorn.
Even as our culture builds to a gift-giving crescendo, there is a deeper meaning to be found at this magical time of year. You can touch the astrological rhythms by making time to be quiet. This is the dark night of the year. Instead of pushing your energy into the world, pull into yourself for some quality inner work. Let the seeds of your imagination gestate until once again they can burst forth at the Spring Equinox.
Honor the yearly solar cycle by acknowledging the stillness of the Sun on this special day. And, like so many who have gone before us, marvel at the miracle of the returning light.
This has always been my gift to you, for eons I have lived to bring you hope with the return of the light. Be at peace knowing that I am there with you always.
Lasto beth nin tolo dan na ngalad - listen to my word, return to the light.
merry christmas!