Well things are now getting down to the wire. I have to finish a movie poster and the graphics for a yellow pages site. I really like the time constraint and I only have till Monday. Woohoo! I guess I put things off till the last minute so that I can get the rush of the deadline, which I rarely have. Usually it's pretty much like, "when you're done, you're done. No prob." Which is nice not to have to worry about things, but when it's so damn slow and nothing is happening I do need that rush. I really need to get me a girlfriend...and stop smoking too many cigarettes...and, well...I really should have gone shark diving when I had the chance.
More Blogs
Tuesday Jan 10, 2006
Wow, it is just one thing after another. Busy, busy shit to deal with… -
Sunday Jan 01, 2006
Happy New Year!!! 2005 just seemed to whisk away so quickly. It felt… -
Wednesday Dec 28, 2005
I find it truely amazing how many SGs you can have on a 30GB iPod vid… -
Wednesday Dec 28, 2005
I find it truely amazing how many SGs you can have on a 30GB iPod vid… -
Monday Dec 26, 2005
It's always been interesting the things you find under the tree on Ch… -
Saturday Dec 24, 2005
Well another birthday come and gone. Not even a birthday cake. Pl… -
Sunday Dec 11, 2005
Christmas, Christmas time is near Time for toys and time for cheer … -
Sunday Dec 11, 2005
Christmas, Christmas time is near Time for toys and time for cheer … -
Wednesday Dec 07, 2005
Everything is copacetic... hope it is for you as well Happy Birt… -
Tuesday Dec 06, 2005
It is that time again when a lot of December kids get screwed with on…