ladies and gentelman, i am back!
(thank u, thank u)
first off all i wanna thank the lord for making all of this happen. i really feel blessed.
i wanna thank the motherfuckers from the phonecompany who got me off the net! bitches....i hope u will all die very soon

thanks to everyone on SG who still has me on his friends list after nearly 3 month of silence (actually i have to check maybe im all alone right now). well, and if someone kicked me out of his list thats ok... i wish u all the best, just like the guys from the phonecompany

its crazy to be offline for such a long time. in many ways....last month i actually walked in to the bank!
u know paying bills and stuff.... so there i was talking to this girl i have never seen before. in a bank. crazy.

do u know what i mean.
a nother thing. going to the movies. crazy...
... usually i check the internet for what movies are on and at what time. offline, not possible. so i ended up to be either too early (im talking german cinemas here, no burger king or any kind of joint to eat, no screens for upcoming movies, not even music out of a damn radio) so beeing too early istnt that good.... or i came to late, which actually kinda fucks up everything. crazy...

well anyway.... its over. i am back and i am very happy

i hope the last weeks and month went good for all of u, hope u r all healty and in a good shape

oh and not to forgett. ive been to oslo. home of the wikkings and off course the famous penishelmet!!!!!! u all heard of that,right.

welcome back!