ok, ya.... hi everybody! how u all doing? good i hope!
i am back from belgrade and oh fucking shame on me its not croatia, no its serbia
what-so-fucking-ever! (i just love cursing on the internet, sorry)
- my mom wount let me at home
well belgrade is a really nice place, with greate food....but u cant bring everything u like for dinner
crazy ass people but so nice
so that night i was really hungry and orderd a cheesburger from roomservice. the guy came, set everything up...the table and stuff and at the end he droped my burger
I: woooohhhhh
he: sorry, its my first day
I: its cool, no damage just get me a new one
he: oh, do u really want a new one
I: well, u know the beef touches the foor and i think the chees is melting into the carpet
he: so u like a new one
I: o yes please, if u dont mind
he: sorry, its my first day
maybe it was his last day too
no just kidding, bless the poor guy....he was very nervous (maybe i was the first black guy he saw outside of tv. or he tought i play basketball and ill beat the shit out of him! long live the NBA, not!)
i am back from belgrade and oh fucking shame on me its not croatia, no its serbia

well belgrade is a really nice place, with greate food....but u cant bring everything u like for dinner

crazy ass people but so nice

so that night i was really hungry and orderd a cheesburger from roomservice. the guy came, set everything up...the table and stuff and at the end he droped my burger

I: woooohhhhh
he: sorry, its my first day
I: its cool, no damage just get me a new one
he: oh, do u really want a new one
I: well, u know the beef touches the foor and i think the chees is melting into the carpet
he: so u like a new one
I: o yes please, if u dont mind
he: sorry, its my first day
maybe it was his last day too

That was funny. It sounds a lot like the kind of room service I get when I have to go into the poor excuse for a city in my neck of the woods and have to stay overnight. Except it's never becuase its their first day. It is like that every day.
geschaft hab jetzt wieder internet und bin umgezogen und nchste woche wird geheirtatet.