This morning I was cleaning my bedroom and I bent down to pick up something off the floor and when I got up I hit my cheekbone on this wooden chair and I think its already bruising, it fucking hurt sooo bad! And then when I was coming up the stairs I almost fell, and I was making rice stirfry and I dropped it all over the kitchen floor
god I'm a clutz today!
School of Rock is playing at the Northills theatre for $2 matinees on saturday and Sunday, I really wanna go! I watched Spellbound last night and I swear I've seen it before, cause I remembered who won..strange..but it was a great documentary. I also rented Whale Rider which I'll watch again tonight.
Only 9 more days left here, it seems strange. I only have the stuff I use every day left to pack so I won't do that until next friday.
Tonight we are supposed to get 12-15cm of snow, with icey rain and wind! They said not to go out tonight, and to bundle up so I'll be all snug and warm in my bed.
Kathleen got me into watching Days of Our Lives now haha

School of Rock is playing at the Northills theatre for $2 matinees on saturday and Sunday, I really wanna go! I watched Spellbound last night and I swear I've seen it before, cause I remembered who won..strange..but it was a great documentary. I also rented Whale Rider which I'll watch again tonight.
Only 9 more days left here, it seems strange. I only have the stuff I use every day left to pack so I won't do that until next friday.
Tonight we are supposed to get 12-15cm of snow, with icey rain and wind! They said not to go out tonight, and to bundle up so I'll be all snug and warm in my bed.
Kathleen got me into watching Days of Our Lives now haha
no, like capitalize everything and all that...i was totally being serious..i'm the queen of no capitals..i am starting this fiction writing class, too..he gave us like thirteen assignments the first day of class and i have been having a hell of a time remembering that i can't just half-ass write things anymore because i have to turn them in..i'm lazy...
sweet, maybe i can get you to give me some feedback on my assignments.