So i'm sorting my stuff out getting ready to float. The ship i'm on is and upgrade from shit hole to just shitty. Slight improvement. I remenber my previous sea duty with westpac. Floating with the rest of the crew with little to do but work out in a janitors closet sized gym. pumping iron to the beat of scratchy hard rock and protein farts. its a sailors life for me. As we near afghanistan i get the pre combat jitters sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems a firing to the beat of an overactive heartdrum in anticipation of the mortar fire and gun fights. I'm embelishing though its not that bad. I just wish it was over already i miss the states. I havent heard much news from home. called my dad the other day. He seemed cheery, my mom is hard to talk to. deployment isnt easy on her. My sister has little in the way of sympathy. Her line for bad news is "that sucks" I really want to shoot people in the face when they say that. Of course it sucks asshole i'm the one living it. What better way to say yeah i'm not really listening to you. I don't hold it against her though. She's family. I was reading an article the other day on yahoo about and ATOM SMASHER developed by the swiss i think. it was built to recreat the big bang in a sense. Protons are fired in opposite directions down a circular vacuum and brought together by magnets in order to creat a collision. Like firing two machine guns directly at one another, i believe its how they described it. I am convinced the swiss are going to blow up the earth with this contraption. Ending the world those bastards funny thing is they make such bloody good wrist watches. This brought up a number of intelectual conversations in the barracks...take for instance this atom smasher device. We, my fellow marines, deduced that it sounds like one of those machines where if you were in the close proximity therof and something went awry it would give you really bitchin super hero powers... CMON it tottally sounds like one of those comic book gags. So and so was standing to close to the ATOM SMASHER when some bullshit happened giving him really bitchin powers. Now keep in mind when reading that last line you need the voice of the late great Don LaFontain reading it. You know the famous movie preveiw guy. AAAAnyway this is all ramblings. sorry to bore.
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