Jumbo's Clown Room in Hollywood,Ca. is my favorite Strip Bar.
So what if the girls wear pasties, they look good!
I just celebrated my birthday this weekend, all weekend.
It all started
Friday, Dinner: Korean BBQ in Koreatown LA
Drinks: The Golden Gopher Downtown LA
Footsies in Highland Park

I drank more Irish car bombs than I can remember. Then I had cake at The Brite Spot in Echo Park.

I woke up with blurred memories of the night before. I had lunch...
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Well I tried loading my Halloween pictures on this page under pics, but it would'nt take them. I kept getting an error message saying IMAGE HAS TO BE 100 KB OR LESS.

I just got a Canon S500 digital camera and I took the pictures using the fine resolution setting and all my pics are about 1.2 MB. What can I do to load them,...
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Halloween was drunk fun. I went to three parties one in a Los Feliz house, one in a Downtown LA Loft, and finished the night at Jensens Recreation Center in Echo Park. Great people and friends I will post pictures later I have to sleep now. wink
Welcome to SGMC!
Please post an introduction and bike pix for the rest of the crew, then feel free to poke around and make yourself at home. There's chilly ones in the virtual fridge, so say Hi and strike up a conversation.
You're back, no problems!
no journal.
Got your app to SG Motorcycles. Please post in MY journal a little bit about what you ride, where, how long you've been riding, etc. If you don't currently ride, say something about why you should be a member of SGMC anyway. Anything to let me know you're for real will do. If you know a current SGMC member, have him/her leave me a note in my journal.

I went to a cool party last night in Echo Park CA. It was at a house on a very steep hill. It was like a working out walking up the hill, but it was worth it. There were some fine looking girls there. It was a perfect summer night, with plenty to drink a DJ and a live local band.
Thank you so much about the comment you left in the Albums about my picture. I truely appreciate it.