It's been a damn long while since I've had the desire to write anything at all worthwhile. Well, that's not true, but I usually stop a few thoughts in and go do something more productive. Luckily, my groceries are put away, my laundry is folded, the dishes are done and everything is tidy and adorable and as it should be.
So, what can be said?...
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So, what can be said?...
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Hey kids. The bitch is back.
Man, I'm not going to lie. It feels good to be back on SG. I missed the smut AND the witty reparte. I'm going to be the world's suckiest updatrice and pop a point form list for y'all. So, here's what I've been up to:
-I'm out of the apartment from hell and am now living with two of...
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Man, I'm not going to lie. It feels good to be back on SG. I missed the smut AND the witty reparte. I'm going to be the world's suckiest updatrice and pop a point form list for y'all. So, here's what I've been up to:
-I'm out of the apartment from hell and am now living with two of...
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sounds like a great job ... have fun in Montreal .. that's a great city ...
I see you're online...but I don't see you updating...hmmm....
What Gave It Away Was the Fact That You Used to Write Equally Lovelorn Poetry, and You Didn't This Time.
(Yes, I Read Your Journal.)
I tried to focus on Richler's words
While waiting for you to show up.
You pulled this stunt a week ago.
Another week before that,
We were this great nervous energy
And loaded appologies
Stuck out as these weird little...
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(Yes, I Read Your Journal.)
I tried to focus on Richler's words
While waiting for you to show up.
You pulled this stunt a week ago.
Another week before that,
We were this great nervous energy
And loaded appologies
Stuck out as these weird little...
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that was amazing! maybe you didn't mean for it to be.. being sad and all... but just so you know................amazing.
feel better..
feel better..

aw thanks.
yeah, them torontonians have a lovely town going.
the gig, however, was a (very fun) disaster.
yeah, them torontonians have a lovely town going.
the gig, however, was a (very fun) disaster.
What I did today:
-Had a lazy Sunday morning brunch in my old neighbourhood.
-Went to a rehearsal.
-Took a mid-afternoon nap.
-Ate cake for dinner. (You. Decadent. Ho.)
-Watched the entire third season of "Sex and the City."
-Did two loads of laundy.
-Felt fabulously cute walking by the mirror.
-Realized how much I miss Chinese food in bed with someone you love.
-Had a lazy Sunday morning brunch in my old neighbourhood.
-Went to a rehearsal.
-Took a mid-afternoon nap.
-Ate cake for dinner. (You. Decadent. Ho.)
-Watched the entire third season of "Sex and the City."
-Did two loads of laundy.
-Felt fabulously cute walking by the mirror.
-Realized how much I miss Chinese food in bed with someone you love.
Glad you dig the beard. Speakin' of hair 

that all sounds quite picturesque peaceful and quaint, save for that whole missing someone that is.

Things I Love:
- Peeling and eating grapefruits.
- Grocery shopping.
- Watching episode after episode of ER.
- Raw snow peas for dinner.
- Having a really pretty dress and heels to wear for my recital.
- Nostalgic little Kellogg's cereal boxes that come in 8-packs. They remind me of early mornings on the farm with my grandmother.
- When you say something totally...
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- Peeling and eating grapefruits.
- Grocery shopping.
- Watching episode after episode of ER.
- Raw snow peas for dinner.
- Having a really pretty dress and heels to wear for my recital.
- Nostalgic little Kellogg's cereal boxes that come in 8-packs. They remind me of early mornings on the farm with my grandmother.
- When you say something totally...
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Things I love:
- Hot asses.
You're not in the group that loves asses.
Things I don't love:
- The fact that my unsurpressable cough gives me away and then he's all "Claire? Hi! I want to talk to you about Norweigian foreign policy and the economy without respecting your personal space or taking the hint that you're sick!"
Haha! (it's not funny that it happened to you, only the way you put it)
Hope you have a weekend full of r and r. Sounds like you need it. I've been fighting off something now for over a month that by the time 8pm hits I pretty much want to crawl into bed and sleep the sleep of the dead.
Yea, Harper scares me too. Thankfully he does not have a majority or else we would really be effed. As it stands we are in for a bumpy one. Harper's the one who thinks evolution is a crock, right?
Great lists. Think I will copy you this weekend. They were a real pick me up. Now to the books.
Yea, Harper scares me too. Thankfully he does not have a majority or else we would really be effed. As it stands we are in for a bumpy one. Harper's the one who thinks evolution is a crock, right?
Great lists. Think I will copy you this weekend. They were a real pick me up. Now to the books.
Give me your dear little hands, so that I may kiss them.
(I Put the Emo in "Un bel di, vedremo")
I look at the clock over your bed and say
"Hey, it's 4:44. Make a wish."
We laugh because we make
The same stupid wish every day.
We're so lame; we're such girls.
It's like I'm Butterfly and you're Suzuki.
Singing "Tutti I fior"...
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(I Put the Emo in "Un bel di, vedremo")
I look at the clock over your bed and say
"Hey, it's 4:44. Make a wish."
We laugh because we make
The same stupid wish every day.
We're so lame; we're such girls.
It's like I'm Butterfly and you're Suzuki.
Singing "Tutti I fior"...
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oh wow and we just meet.....
well ill say hi anyways.
is it odd im starting to wish girls arent so pretty?
and bleh damned election, thank heavens they cant get much done in the realm of wrecking progress with the majority of opposition they would face ^_^
resist temptation to offer gift to person you just randomly messaged out of the blue because you thought they were cute and they messaged friend's profile.
im crazy and delirious on caffiene
take everything any way you will
as long as its not too unpleasant

well ill say hi anyways.
is it odd im starting to wish girls arent so pretty?
and bleh damned election, thank heavens they cant get much done in the realm of wrecking progress with the majority of opposition they would face ^_^
resist temptation to offer gift to person you just randomly messaged out of the blue because you thought they were cute and they messaged friend's profile.
im crazy and delirious on caffiene
take everything any way you will
as long as its not too unpleasant

I use those words only cause I want to be cool.
You however will get some if you use that word, double standard!
You however will get some if you use that word, double standard!
On Tuesday, I had my second last exam, and now I have a huge gap of a week before my theory exam. I got out of school at 4pm, so I decided to walk around the city, despite my initial lack of mittens or a particularly warm scarf. I walked up Hutchison and then turned along Milton to St. Laurent.
Thanks to the hotness that...
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Thanks to the hotness that...
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Hey, where you at? I dropped in to say hi, and yer MIA. Hope all's well, wherever you is.
of course I'll be your friend!
talk about the cutest, most kissable lips EVER!hehe! have waaaay to much fun darlin'! muah!
talk about the cutest, most kissable lips EVER!hehe! have waaaay to much fun darlin'! muah!

I just hope it snows,
Because I had fun last weekend
Sitting outside the Atwater market
Watching people buying trees.
You said the statement was cute.
I stole the idea from someone else
Because it is kind of pretty, isnt it?
These chilly scenes are created
So that they stir you from your desk
To come find me:
Surprised and wishing I had shaven my...
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Because I had fun last weekend
Sitting outside the Atwater market
Watching people buying trees.
You said the statement was cute.
I stole the idea from someone else
Because it is kind of pretty, isnt it?
These chilly scenes are created
So that they stir you from your desk
To come find me:
Surprised and wishing I had shaven my...
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"Swing gently, many beginners are affected by dizziness at first."
Ill rush home and say:
Ma, quickly! Youve got to tell me
Everything you know about traditional folk music!
I like to pretend I know it all,
But Im realizing I dont really have to.
For once, I want to be behind the beat,
Laughing in spite of myself as you spin me around
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Ill rush home and say:
Ma, quickly! Youve got to tell me
Everything you know about traditional folk music!
I like to pretend I know it all,
But Im realizing I dont really have to.
For once, I want to be behind the beat,
Laughing in spite of myself as you spin me around
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That's a wonderful poem.
Beautiful and a poet! ....AMAZING! Makes me wanna drive up to Canada and grovel before your greatness.... ha ha....yeah soooooooo corny!
Still though....beautiful and a great poet!

Still though....beautiful and a great poet!
I ask you, what is classier than a cookie floating in a martini glass full of skim milk?
My X-Mas List:
-More hours in the day
-A good night's sleep
-To always feel the way I've been feeling lately
-To carry my friends on my shoulders
-Quality moments
-A sense of belonging
-More night walks in the city
-Interraction with children and critters...
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My X-Mas List:
-More hours in the day
-A good night's sleep
-To always feel the way I've been feeling lately
-To carry my friends on my shoulders
-Quality moments
-A sense of belonging
-More night walks in the city
-Interraction with children and critters...
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I have the sudden urge to listen to Christmas music. 

"Ain't it a pretty night" is a truly stunning piece. I've had the privilege to work with Carlisle Floyd twice (once on Susannah, once on his newer opera Cold Sassy Tree) -- it's amazing to hear him talk about his work. Being from the part of Tennessee where Susannah is set, it's amazing how accurately he captured the sound of the mountains and the people there. You've got great taste in music.
Altough I don't look so great in Yellow, I'm too 'browny' for that.
Nevertheless, enjoy your summer