I apologize for the lack of activity: dealing with life and school.
In any case me and my X are workin things out.
So its all good.
My car is broken
allbeit my old GM piece of shit. I hope to get my new car soon. I have alot of footwork to do. First I have to go to the bank and see what kind of interest rate they'll give me. Then I have to go to the insurance agency and see what full coverage is going to cost.
Then go to the car dealership and test drive the damn thing.
*sigh someday
In other news: I got me a shiny new guitar
Its sooooo cool, and sounds so damn good
FINALLY a nice guitar fo me to jam on. I've been playing alot of blues lately, cause i got bored playing metal. Besides I've always been a blues man at heart.
Embarassing Moment: So I get home one morning at like 4am and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I look over into the bath tub and see this HUGE fuck off spider hangin out. I freak out, and wake my brother up cause I didn't know what to do (It was pretty big, like a small animal). Anyway he's no help, so I get up the nerve to put it in a pot and take it outside. Well it turns out the damn thing was a FAKE! I was so scared of it, I didn't even bother to check if it was moving. I go HOSED.
Love to all my girls, specially you Nadine
In any case me and my X are workin things out.

My car is broken

In other news: I got me a shiny new guitar

Embarassing Moment: So I get home one morning at like 4am and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I look over into the bath tub and see this HUGE fuck off spider hangin out. I freak out, and wake my brother up cause I didn't know what to do (It was pretty big, like a small animal). Anyway he's no help, so I get up the nerve to put it in a pot and take it outside. Well it turns out the damn thing was a FAKE! I was so scared of it, I didn't even bother to check if it was moving. I go HOSED.

Love to all my girls, specially you Nadine

thats cool you guys have worked stuff out! yay for you!
go say hello to my guy....MrMuddle