This is my life right now:
Family: My mom is doing better. She's finally off that medication that was making her sicker and sicker. I was supposed to make her better. She's also getting a new bridge for her teeth, which should improve her mental outlook as well
My Granpa broke his arm 10wks ago and its still hasn't healed. I fear this was his last Christmas. The shitty part of it all is that he and I live in the same town and we haven't spoken at length since I moved here when I was 10. I mean he's not exactly the stereo-typicall granpa that is easily warmed to. But he cares, I can tell. I think I'll call him before I leave for Cali tomorrow.
Girlfriend: So, her and I talked and we've decided that we'll break up when she leaves to student teach this summer. It is odd though, knowing when a relationship will end. Why go out in the first place right? Well she and I enjoy eachothers company and our more intimate interactions, and I suppose we will continue to do so until summer. *giggle*
Roomates: Well its a sad day when you learn you can't count on them for anything. Then you realize that you've always know it, but just decided to give them the benefit of the doubt.
ME: Ok, so we (me and my friend Brandon) went to the stripbar last night. As per usual he and I totally ruled the place. Even the DJ came down and told us that we made the whole night more interesting.
So the funny part is that after they closed at like 4am we went to IHOP to catch some grub. Well in the midst of eating this group of 4 come in and sit in the booth directly infront of us. So they decide that they need to talk all loud about all this shit thats important to them. Well, me and Brandon decide that we need to talk obnoxiously loud also. It wasn't like we were mocking them directly, only talking loud about random shit. So I say something and the blonde girl turns around and says "I think y'all are being really fucking rude, and you need to stop"
*giggle* I must've really pissed them off cause then her ugly boyfriend turns around and starts talking shit! I sit back and eat my chicken fingers until he finishes his speal. Well, about 10mins of shit talking back and forth goes on until the manager showed up. LOL, the staff totally was telling to calm down and to leave us alone. Brandon and I left, but no w/o laughing our asses off right infront of them. OH man, what a night.
Ok, thats enough...*sheesh
Love to all my Ladies, Nadine I'm glad you liked the desky.
This guy inavertently stares at your boobs, KBj
Family: My mom is doing better. She's finally off that medication that was making her sicker and sicker. I was supposed to make her better. She's also getting a new bridge for her teeth, which should improve her mental outlook as well
My Granpa broke his arm 10wks ago and its still hasn't healed. I fear this was his last Christmas. The shitty part of it all is that he and I live in the same town and we haven't spoken at length since I moved here when I was 10. I mean he's not exactly the stereo-typicall granpa that is easily warmed to. But he cares, I can tell. I think I'll call him before I leave for Cali tomorrow.
Girlfriend: So, her and I talked and we've decided that we'll break up when she leaves to student teach this summer. It is odd though, knowing when a relationship will end. Why go out in the first place right? Well she and I enjoy eachothers company and our more intimate interactions, and I suppose we will continue to do so until summer. *giggle*
Roomates: Well its a sad day when you learn you can't count on them for anything. Then you realize that you've always know it, but just decided to give them the benefit of the doubt.
ME: Ok, so we (me and my friend Brandon) went to the stripbar last night. As per usual he and I totally ruled the place. Even the DJ came down and told us that we made the whole night more interesting.
So the funny part is that after they closed at like 4am we went to IHOP to catch some grub. Well in the midst of eating this group of 4 come in and sit in the booth directly infront of us. So they decide that they need to talk all loud about all this shit thats important to them. Well, me and Brandon decide that we need to talk obnoxiously loud also. It wasn't like we were mocking them directly, only talking loud about random shit. So I say something and the blonde girl turns around and says "I think y'all are being really fucking rude, and you need to stop"

Ok, thats enough...*sheesh

Love to all my Ladies, Nadine I'm glad you liked the desky.

This guy inavertently stares at your boobs, KBj
So glad your mother is doing better. My god father just was hospitalized, he lost 4 pints of blood
Awww, you hate flying? It will all be alright. The cute stewardesses will make you feel at ease, I'm sure. I would if I was there! I actually don't like flying anymore, not like I used to. Ever since sept 11, it scares the beejeeziz out of me.
You'll be fine tho.
*grabs my swords and grabs your.....well. . .
Anyway have a safe trip dear.