payday is the best part of working; although I used to have to argue with my bosses that they always said it was the "satisfaction" of producing work that was better than a paycheck. WTF??? I had a family to support. Of course that was back in the early 70's when I first started that job. Been retired forever now! And having too much fun.
Thanks for the friend's request, pretty lady.
you are all very welcome=] i have a set coming up Sept 30th, and also a set i did with lorelei that is absolutely stunning!!! i think she is submitting it to the staff directly.and she wont let me post any previews yet, she wants me to wait till they have the SG on them sounds promising<3 jhgajlkhglakj so exciting! maybe i'll be pink soon;P
xoxo much love friends
and one more thing do you like the KillaKout or do you think it should be changed?
i'd love any suggestions
Thanks for the friend's request, pretty lady.
xoxo much love friends
and one more thing do you like the KillaKout or do you think it should be changed?
i'd love any suggestions