I’m so excited! My set goes up in 2 months and 2 weeks! I’m so excited for you all to see it! I’m really proud of it and I’m so thankful for the opportunity! Besides that..I recently got diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I don’t know if anyone on here maybe has that but it really drains your energy and I want to post a little more about positive things and how I help myself! I’ve been working out a lot and I lost 20 pounds! Like what haha I’m already so small so I’m really excited to make more photo shoots and do more I have so much more confidence knowing my diagnosis and being able to have coping skills! Never give up! I’ve been in therapy also and got on some new medications and things have been so much better. I’m always here to chat if anyone needs to chat especially about fibromyalgia it’s such a strange diagnosis haha I still don’t really understand....but your not alone and let’s gets excited about my photo set coming up soon it’s only 2 months away I’m so excited ahhhhhh lol thank you so much to all the people supporting me and loving me though all my hard and good times love ya all! P.s look at how big my kitten is getting I attached a photo he is so loveable!