Wellllll lets see here.... Im the bearer of bad news latley...
my beautiful betty dog got hit by a motherfucker in a semi on saturday and died.... The asshole didnt even stop, my little sister who is 12, and her friend saw it happen... I swear to god if I had been around that bastard would have been sorry... i would have chased that man down and beat the living shit out of him... i dont give a fuck how large he may have been.
so im copeing alright i guess... i just try not to think about it- drinking helps that process out greatly... ive consumed more alcohol in the last 2 weeks than i have in the last year combined. lots of PBR and Captin Morgan...
Its just sooooo fucked up that it had to be betty... i loved that dog more than most people i know... she was the best ever... i hope that sorry ass motherfucker crashes his fucking semi and fucks his life up real good...
anyway go to sorryeverybody.com it fucking rules....
my beautiful betty dog got hit by a motherfucker in a semi on saturday and died.... The asshole didnt even stop, my little sister who is 12, and her friend saw it happen... I swear to god if I had been around that bastard would have been sorry... i would have chased that man down and beat the living shit out of him... i dont give a fuck how large he may have been.
so im copeing alright i guess... i just try not to think about it- drinking helps that process out greatly... ive consumed more alcohol in the last 2 weeks than i have in the last year combined. lots of PBR and Captin Morgan...
Its just sooooo fucked up that it had to be betty... i loved that dog more than most people i know... she was the best ever... i hope that sorry ass motherfucker crashes his fucking semi and fucks his life up real good...
anyway go to sorryeverybody.com it fucking rules....
i'm sure nothing has really changed...