I find it odd when people post "WHY HAS MY BUS NOT TURNED UP YOUR COMPANY IS SHIT' on a public transport companys website... Well probably because it's stupidly cold (minus 12), and England can't cope with it - let alone the mechanics of an old bus and the roads we drive on being able to cope.
At least there are some busses out there. How would you like to drive in minus 12 and on black ice down country lanes with a massive bus and 40 people in it all day? Scary as hell I reckon.
I've had issues getting into Uni for two weeks. I'm not pissed off at the bus company. 'Acts of God' and the weather can't be helped. Its frustrating that I can't get into Uni, and crazy that Uni lectueres seem to think I am like other students and I am just lying about the weather. But whatever. I'm trying my best, the bus company is trying their best.... It's just one of those things.
My Street:
See what used to be snow on the road? very very slippery ice now! Main roads don't have it all over, they just have black ice. At least teh knee heigh snow has melted a little - it's just up to mid shins now. Only bad thing about the snow is, I get kinda lonley. I can't go anywhere, no one can come see me as they can't park outside my house... So I basically sit around all day doing homework and staring into space.
Cringer Photo Dump
She likes to help with my homework......
At least there are some busses out there. How would you like to drive in minus 12 and on black ice down country lanes with a massive bus and 40 people in it all day? Scary as hell I reckon.
I've had issues getting into Uni for two weeks. I'm not pissed off at the bus company. 'Acts of God' and the weather can't be helped. Its frustrating that I can't get into Uni, and crazy that Uni lectueres seem to think I am like other students and I am just lying about the weather. But whatever. I'm trying my best, the bus company is trying their best.... It's just one of those things.
My Street:
See what used to be snow on the road? very very slippery ice now! Main roads don't have it all over, they just have black ice. At least teh knee heigh snow has melted a little - it's just up to mid shins now. Only bad thing about the snow is, I get kinda lonley. I can't go anywhere, no one can come see me as they can't park outside my house... So I basically sit around all day doing homework and staring into space.

Cringer Photo Dump

She likes to help with my homework......
Your cat pain is our cat pleasure.

You looked ace on Friday. I hope you had fun on Saturday and started feeling normal again soon after you got off the bus xx