Suddenly I am very glad I moved to Cleveland. tongue
LOL why
Aaw, I just checked your blog for the first time since I left that comment.
That's a beautiful description of how the new woman makes you feel.

Hope your friend's still doing well. smile

Update soon!
What the hell drives people to do heroin. I can understand some experimentation. Maybe once or twice. Get it over with. See that you crap yourself when u don't have it. Take note that it is horrifyingly addictive, and then never do it again. I can't be too preachy considering my past, but damnit, I'm sick of people dieing. Kill yourself slowly with bad food,...
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Moved to CLEVE-LAND a couple weeks ago. Now I just need to find a J O B! Anybody need a photographer/filmographer/network guru/linux addict/soundman ?
I went and saw Skinny Puppy the other day at the World. Fucking awesome. Too bad they didn't do a second encore. I've been waiting to see them for a million years. The world sure does have good Long Islands! A little too good maybe. Went to PooNanny Bros. after for some corned beef and chee fries. My friend the almighty Mistress Danielle cruised with...
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Happy Birthday! smile
Why is it that the most horrifying city I ever 'lived' in was where I had the best times. Youngstown, OH was the most horrible wreck of a degenerate shit hole, but whenever I wanted to have fun, I could stroll on over to the Penguin Pub and have a drink and a smoke and see good fucking punk bands for 2-3 dollars. Dammit, if...
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