Waddup interweb pervs? I've been a busy little beaver in the studio mixing loads of tracks for all sorts of local peeps: P Money, David Dallas, PNC and a new fella called Vince Harder (watch out for this dude, I have a feeling he's gonna blow up). More to come, gotta go meet the missus for dinner now....
Oh i'l see. I'm unemployed and not sure if anyone will give me a different benefit so i'm all kinds of confused about monies. But it will be a good excuse to catch up with an old friend.
I have a love hate relationship with this website but yea rad to meet you the other night is always fun meeting new people and people from online, this brings me back to SG for a while
Loving CK!!!
I didn't have that much fun that night though I was really drunk ha and was in a hater mood before I started drinking being drunk only exaggerated me into a cunt hahaha. Ahh mess. I'll be sober for a while to try build those bridges *rolls eyes* really I don't give a fuck but some people are little bitches about it
I'm getting tattooed on the 13th. I'll def be out Missing Teeth last gig but I'll stay sober woo or only a couple coz be sore anyway. Should be lots of fun
Lay low this weekend go home so can do the Fathers day thing Sun and catch up with all my married with babies friends my hometown haha
What are your plans?! Anything exciting on the horizon