So back in January I met @naiser for the first time. We didn't talk much and she thought I was completely useless after my rambling drunken directions :p
A couple of weeks later she needed a new place to live so I offered because I'm a nice person sometimes. It helped that she was friends with people I trusted, so that trust was extended. As things worked out she didn't end up moving in until the 1st March.
I was a little worried about a lot of things. would we get on with each other, could I really trust her, would this end with me getting hurt, was she just using me, how would I deal with my general worry/stress/anxiety/depression with someone else around.
Since then we've done a little bit of exploring with a lot more planned in the rest of this year and the start of next.
Much more importantly I've made an almost friend, who hopefully will become one of those rare true friends that you can talk to about anything and trust with everything. She's an amazing woman, beautiful, intelligent, caring and fun :)
I'm glad I meet met her, glad I took a chance on inviting her in to my home and happy that I took the time to get to know her.
Taking risks for potentially amazing rewards is something I've made a habit of doing. There's a lot of disappointment and pain and generally shit things that come with that, but it is balanced by that 1 time out of 10 when it works out. I never want to stop taking risks with people or experiences because I'm worried about the future.
Life should lived fully and experienced without the regret of what if's.
Don't hesitate, do whatever might make you happy.
That's how I met some great people and gained a little purple haired sister.