Go Download "Leap Year" now at http://www.hoodieallen.com/
This was going to be the first music blog post on my new site but since the company i ordered the domain name from is fucking around i have been unable to actually put a site up to post on >.<
So I've been following an artist for a while now called "Hoodie Allen" some of the tracks he's done in the past have become pretty well known but he still remains unsigned.
"You are not a robot" was and still is an amazing track and with practice he's only getting better.
So I thought it was high time i started to share the amazing skills of Hoodie Allen. He's just released his new album Leap Year which you can download for FREE it has some great tracks on it like "The Chase is on" & "#WhiteGirlProblems".
Steven Markowitz, better known by his stage name Hoodie Allen, is an unsigned hip-hop artist. That's right he's unsigned and still amazing, he became a full-time musician after quitting his job at Google.
So to recap he's unsigned had an amazing job at Google paying loads of money and quit to make music to share for free.
That's the kind of guy i love, someone that does it just for fun without caring about the money or the fame.
Go Download "Leap Year" now at http://www.hoodieallen.com/
please please if you love r'n'b/hiphop music that's being released by new hipsters check out Hoodie Allen
This was going to be the first music blog post on my new site but since the company i ordered the domain name from is fucking around i have been unable to actually put a site up to post on >.<
So I've been following an artist for a while now called "Hoodie Allen" some of the tracks he's done in the past have become pretty well known but he still remains unsigned.
"You are not a robot" was and still is an amazing track and with practice he's only getting better.
So I thought it was high time i started to share the amazing skills of Hoodie Allen. He's just released his new album Leap Year which you can download for FREE it has some great tracks on it like "The Chase is on" & "#WhiteGirlProblems".
Steven Markowitz, better known by his stage name Hoodie Allen, is an unsigned hip-hop artist. That's right he's unsigned and still amazing, he became a full-time musician after quitting his job at Google.
So to recap he's unsigned had an amazing job at Google paying loads of money and quit to make music to share for free.
That's the kind of guy i love, someone that does it just for fun without caring about the money or the fame.
Go Download "Leap Year" now at http://www.hoodieallen.com/
please please if you love r'n'b/hiphop music that's being released by new hipsters check out Hoodie Allen
I read "a dirty job" already