i went and saw my new house today. yay. move in this weekend. ive been stressing over everything lately that i made my self sick for 2 days. puking and everything., not cool puke i got in a stupid fight with my stupid about boyfriend about me liking to drink. stupid sXe kids. no offense the sxe kids out there who are not dating me. hahah....
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a snow globe collection. hmmm. how oddly intruiging. ill have to see if i can find any. do you have any of sacramento, CA? ok. its time for bed. just drove a 2 hr trip in an hr.

i should huh? well, whats in it for me besides using the little black lump that is my heart.

[Edited on May 16, 2003]
fights and vomitus are never fun :/ , unless they involve naked old grannies as well! Anywho, Im sxe and I dont think I have dated a sxe girl yet, and I go through alot of stock. Being sxe you either have to deal with it and accept it or do not date people who arent sxe if it bothers u. Sure I would like say a sxe gf, but it would be just a small preference, just as I would enjoy a brunnette or black haired gal -_-. I think you get my point. I work saturday night and im prolly too broke to afford a show anywho, thanks for the offer though smile, whats the name of his band? They any good? Enjoy the show !!!!!!!
ok well i found a place to live until i save up for my own apartment. so thats cool but im sharing a room with a 2 year old. but i can deal with it. i got a note from the cosmetology state board saying i HAVE 8 DAYS TO PREPARE , mind yo ive been outta school for 8 months. i hope i do...
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If I PAY SuperScott to drive you over here......can I ever meet you?
dirty socks r the LAST thing u have to worry about in my backpack :0 . Poop and love, I hear those 2 things together so often these days. Anywho, any nifty shows coming up soon, sayyyyyyy before june 3rd?
ok . i did it. i cut it! its ok. id like it to grow a little more. anyways. ...i went and saw 18 visions , atreyu , chimaira , and lamb of god. for the msot part the show sucked. atreyu was not as good is i hoped for and 18V sucked. but that didnt surprise me. i liked chimaira though. and the short...
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You like good music.

(Atreyu really does suck live)
Ha, my friend went on a kinda blind date with the 18v lead singer, said it went horrible and that hes an asshole, anywho, poor thing, raised in riverside, I had friends that went to college there, a distinct smell to say the least
i want to cut my hair. mad
so whats stoping you? cut it already. and then dye it blond and youll feel like your in a David lynch film!

besides your picture is cute enough why do you wnat to cut your hair. unless you have a mullett, then cut it.
I had a hair once, but I cut it and have missed it ever since.

I would have grown that hair out and wrapped it around my head like the bastard love child of the comb-over and a turban.
ok. im at work and im eating burger king. yuuuuum. im still looking for my 2nd job and my ridiculous sunburn is pretty much gone. stupid river trip. my new boyfriend is the best ever. he put a little love not and 2$ in my pocket before he left for school and i left for work. i discovered it a few hours later when i...
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i. i have a boyfriend. yup. thats all i shall say. kiss
that's cool..
awwww boo for me not being able to seduce you now.
alrigh kids , im back with yet another adventure. i got stuck in AZ for 4 days. yes. it sucked. i was told i was going to the river over night. so i packed nothing but a bikini. me , thinking the " river" is some crap waterhole somewhere in cali. no. they failed to tell me its out of state. so we get there...
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Is there baboon sunblock?

If that lady with the monkey ever met the dude on Venice Beach with the boa constrictor, do you think they would kill each other on the spot by siccing their respective animals on each other or fall in love and start dry-humping & leaking all over the pavement?

I'm not mocking you. I promise.

Does foot-glass count as a body mod?
i had a cuddling session with my buddy yesterday and today. it was nice. i needed it. making out rocks. but im still desperatly waiting for the guy i want in FL oh so fucking bad. i havent had a crush like this since . fuck . i dont know when. i long time. my movign to FL is set back every week by a...
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you like some rad bands, plus you seem supa cute
hit me up if you wanna talk or whateva
you were missed.............
counter strike = facial stabbings. brutal.
like woo hoo it's yur berfday and we gonna partay like its yer berfday. up in here up in here