ok people. i dont actually MAKE the wigs. i just bond them. its hard to explain in a stupid journal thing.youd have to see it. either way. when someone is wearing a wig or "tuopee"...its glued or bonded so it doesnt fly off . so if youre bald and in need of hair.....come to me. ANYWAYS. ive had my share of pudding this morning. ick. and i bought a gym membership. i went for like 20 minutes last night jsut to kinda get myself used to it. and im such a wienie. i hurt so bad. but just from pulling in my " dont eat fast food 234 times a day" diet...ive noticed a differnce in my gut. go dieting!! my love and i have been fighting for like 2 days now so ive been the saddest girl in the world , things are looking up though i guess. im th inking about b uying a house. theres some special program for people starting out thats like 0 money down and like 1000 a month. so im gonna go see what the catch is. well its time to go to work.